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LASIK Surgery

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Weight Lose Surgeries

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INCLUDINGFREE Medical Consultation ,Free SIM Card , 1 Day Tranlator



INCLUDINGFREE Medical Consultation ,Free SIM Card , 1 Day Tranlator

Previous Patients Experinces

In Rosha Health , we try our best to provide the best quality of the services that we provide to the patient from all over the world

LASIK surgery

Mr. Mohammad come to Iran from Iraq for LASIK surgery

Corneal transplant

Mr. Abdul Razzaq came to Iran from Tajikistan for a corneal transplant and the operation was successful.

Corneal transplant

Our guests from Germany who visited us with their wives for LASIK surgery with Dr. Shujaei.

Lens implantation surgery

Mrs. Razia Abdul Hamid from Iraq who came to Iran with her grandson and both underwent eye surgery and were very satisfied with the service.

LASIK surgery

Mr. Mohammad Abdul Saeed from Najaf Ashraf visited Dr. Ahmed Shujaei for LASIK surgery

Eye sensitivity

Our guests from Xi'an, China who came to us to solve the problem of eye sensitivity and were very satisfied with the specialized services


Infertility Treatment

Rosha services for you

Rosha makes it possible for patients all around the World to be in touch with proficient Iranian doctors and receive free online consultation.

From the moment the patients arrives in Iran, Rosha will be with them to make sure they’re at ease at every moment; this includes transportation services.

To make sure the patients feel safe and at ease, they will be provided with a translator from the moment they arrive in Iran.

With Rosha’s 24/7 support system, patients can be sure that their requests will be received and answered in the shortest time possible.

Rosha will book visits with the most proficient doctors, in the best clinics; all this in the shortest time possible.

your trust conclusion


number of medical consultations till now


visitors till now


number of country destinations


Free Consultation

Rosha’s Free Medical Consultation is aimed at achieving patients’ satisfaction and improving their health. Before coming to Iran, patients from all around the World can consult with Rosha’s experts about their issues and the available treatments; this way, they’ll be notified of their treatment plan, price and the chosen doctor. (To improve the quality of online consultation, patients can submit info that could help the consultation process.)

Rosha Participation in International exhibition

Rosha Health Tourism Company is honored to be present in domestic and international exhibitions, some of its video reports can be seen in this section.

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What is glaucoma?

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Teeth Cleaning

Dental beauty

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Varicose veins

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Strabismus Or Eye Deviation

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Fatty liver

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Hairline Lowering

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Knee replacement

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