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Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath, from symptoms to treatment!

4min Read
December 17, 2022

If you’ve ever felt that you can’t breathe in enough weather, you’ve experienced a condition called shortness of breath. Breathing with effort, struggle and shortening of breath is called shortness of breath, which is a common symptom in many heart and lung diseases.
The most important symptom of shortness of breath is breathing struggle and breathing with hardness, which can be caused by a chronic problem or acutely and one to two minutes after intense physical activity. In shortness of breath you may feel that you are not getting enough air into your lungs and may feel asphyxiated in more severe and serious cases. Shortness of breath may also cause feelings of pressure and tightness in the chest.
Acute shortness of breath occurs suddenly and lasts a few minutes to a few hours and involves chronic shortness of breath for a long time.Shortness of breath with other symptoms such as fever, skin beads with coughing also manifests itself.
Environmental features such as chemicals, smoke, dust and steam may make breathing conditions harder for people with shortness of breath. People with asthma are irritated by allergens such as pollen or mold, shortness of breath. Some of the condensing substances that cause shortness of breath, such as tobacco use, are carried out by the person himself and can be prevented.

The cause of shortness of breath can be one of the following reasons:

• Asthma
• Stress and anxiety
• Jumping food into the throat or breathing something that blocks the airway.
• Allergic reactions
• Exposure to dangerous amounts of carbon monoxide
• Hypotension or low blood pressure
• Pulmonary embolism that causes blood clots in the lung vessels
• Clogging or claps of the lung
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD
• Heart problems
• Smoking
• Air pollution and chemicals
• Excessive obesity

– A doctor can usually diagnose shortness of breath based on a person’s full physical test alongside their history. The patient needs to explain when and how the attacks of shortness of breath began, how long it lasted, how many times it happened and how acute it was. Doctors may also use X-ray chest and CT images to diagnose shortness of breath more specifically and to measure the health of the heart, lungs and related systems.

– Electrocardiograms may help to detect signs of a heart attack or other electrical profile in the heart. Spiro metric tests are used to measure airflow and the capacity of the patient’s lungs, which can help determine the size of the respiratory problems. Other tests are performed to measure the patient’s blood oxygen and blood capacity to move oxygen.

– During of this illness until the emergency room arrives, the situation can be improved by the following methods:
• Breathing with budged lips: Breathe slowly and by counting, twice through the nose and four times through the mouth (with a state of lips like when you’re whistling).
• Sitting and bending forward: Sit in a chair, put your feet on the floor, bend the chest slightly down, put your elbow on your knees and hold your chin with your hands. Remember to keep your neck and shoulder muscles relaxed. Breathe slowly now.
• Standing with the back support: Stand up and lean against the wall from behind and put your hips on the wall, disassembled your legs and put your hands on your thighs, relax your shoulders, lean forward a little and breathe slowly.

People with dyspnea can take measures to improve their overall health and provide more respiratory facilities. These include:

• Quit smoking and avoid tobacco smoke
• Avoid other stimulants such as chemical fumes and wood smoke
• Lose weight because of the benefits of weight loss, the loss of pressure on the heart and lungs.
• Light exercise because it helps strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system
• Failure to climb to high altitudes
• Eating well and getting enough sleep
• Follow the recommended treatment plan for any underlying condition such as asthma, COPD or bronchitis

– Treatment of shortness of breath depends on the cause of it. For example, if a person has shortness of breath due to excessive struggle and physical activity, then he or she returns to normal after stopping it. In more severe conditions, oxygen is needed. People with asthma or COPD may need to use inhaled bronchodilators.

– For people with heart disease, they should treat it under the supervision of a doctor to help them breathe more easily. These include a treatment program that helps prevent acute shortness of breath while calming the progression of the overall disease.


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