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Lip Filler

Lip Augmentation

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Lip augmentation surgery, also known as the constant augmentation appendectomy, is a beautiful act that aims to improve the appearance of the lips. dermal fillers, lip prostheses, and more can be used to achieve this goal.

Since 2000, Permanent Lip augmentation has found many fans and newer and more effective tricks and newer materials have been developed to allow the person to do this peacefully.

Common approaches to lip augmentation include:

  • Fat Transmission – In this method, the surgeon’s physician extracts the person’s body fat and injects it into his lips.
  • Lip augmentation constant aging – In this method, lips prostheses are used to increase the volume of this lesion.
  • dermal fillers augmentation – This option is the most popular option for both clients and doctors; using dermal fillers, you can change the shape, size, and structure of the lips. This method’s results usually last for 6 to 12 months.

Recovery From Lip Augmentation

The length of the recovery period depends on the chosen treatment method; for example, after an injection into a muffler, the individual does not require a particular recovery period.

Related Preoperative Evaluations

At least 2 weeks before the surgery, blood thinners, food supplements, and herbal teas should be avoided. It is also necessary to avoid smoking from 2 to 3 weeks before the operation and refrain from smoking 2 to 3 weeks after the operation.

Before, During and After Lip Augmentation

Before the Procedure

If the patient is a smoker, he/she will be asked to stop smoking before the surgery, because smoking could slow down the recovery process. It is also necessary to avoid eating and drinking before surgery and avoiding medications such as aspirin.

During the Procedure

This procedure’s steps depend on the chosen method. Lip augmentation is usually performed under local anesthesia and does not require incisions. Of course, if the selected method is fat transfer, anesthesia will be required.

The dermal filler method is the simplest method for lip augmentation. In this method, the individual is administered with a local anesthetic, the physician marks the injection points in a muffler and then uses a very small needle for injection.

This procedure is either performed under local or general anesthesia and takes about 30 to 60 minutes.

After the Procedure

Until a few days after the surgery, the use of lip-free cosmetic products will not be allowed. You can also use ice to reduce the swelling and the pain of the lips. Also, a few days after surgery, you should not put pressure on the lips.

Important Notes

Not Recommended For

  • People who are allergic to lidocaine or dermal fillers
  • People who have an infection in the lips area
  • People with diabetes and problems with blood clotting

Possible Complications

  • Bruising and excessive swelling
  • Asymmetry
  • Lips and lips
  • Infection
  • Remaining wound effect
  • An allergic reaction to lidocaine or Derma filler
  • Bleeding

Lip Augmentation is Recommended For

  • People who are dissatisfied with the size, structure or form of the lips.

Number of Days in Hospital

Usually, no hospitalization is required.


Price Details

Number of Companions



Number of pending reviews174


Are there any other procedures other than surgery to improve lips?

Yes, but unlike the results of the surgery, the results of these methods have little survival. For example, there is a cosmetic product that stimulates the lips and temporarily swells them up. You can also use suction pumps on the lids to increase their blood flow and increase the lips.

Is this surgery painful?

This surgery is not painful on its own because it will be injected into the lobe area before a powerful hypoglycemic operation. Of course, the lips of some people are more sensitive than others, so the answer to this question depends on the individual himself.

How long will lip augmentation work?

The durability of the effects of this surgery depends on how it works. For example, if a lumbar prosthesis is used to improve this member, the results will be permanent. Lip enhancement using hyaluronic acid Derma fillers usually lasts 6 to 12 months.

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