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central lip lift or Lips lift

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Upper lip lift is shortening the philtrum, and aims the population of those who are unhappy with how this distance looks on their face. This is called, upper lip lift or upper lip central.
Although the ideal philtrum is 12 to 15 millimeters, this might change according to individual’s face measurements. When the philtrum distance looks longer than the lower lip length. This proportion is enough reason to look beautiful on face.

Before Surgery

It’s recommended to quit using aspirin 2 weeks before the lip lift surgery, and if the patient has got diabetes, they must inform their surgeon.

Surgery Procedure

The surgeon, according to the measurements of face, and principles of physiognomy will make incisions on the upper lip. The surgeon will remove the small part of the lip skin, and stitches it to the philtrum and the surgery is done. This surgery is an outpatient surgery and must be done at facilitated beauty clinics.

After Surgery

Until the stitches are cured, the patient must avoid putting pressure on the face and sleeping on face must be avoided.

Who are candidates for such surgery?

Those who smoke cigarettes, or have wrinkles around their lips bare the best candidates for this type of surgery. Those who has got a long philtrum, they can use this plastic surgery for a better look on their face. Those who want to show their teeth while smiling, are also the best candidates for upper lip surgery.

Hospitalization Duration

This is an outpatient surgery, and the recovery time is about 5 to 7 days, but sometime up to two weeks there must be still be some swelling on lips.


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