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Varicose veins are veins that have been removed from the normal state and their walls are weakened and, as a result, have become swollen and large. These veins are visible from the skin, blue or violet, swollen and leafy on the page. These veins usually include a phenomenon called spider veins; the spider veins are ...

Labiaplasty is a type of surgery whose purpose is to change the skin’s position on the sides of the vagina. In some cases, labia major may also be removed, although in most cases, surgery is performed on the labia minor. This surgery is done more like a beautiful act, but it can also be done ...

The lift is a type of surgery in which skin, fat and facial muscles are reduced to make the person younger. Usually, people between the age of 40 and 70 who see the signs of aging are looking for lift surgery. Facial sculpture is usually combined with bladder surgery(blepharoplasty). Despite the modern ways, it can ...

In hair transplant, the hair is transplanted from other parts of the body to the hair. The hair transplant is most suitable for those who are seeking for a permanent and natural way to treat their hair loss. The hair transplant can be performed in different part of the body such as the head, eyelashes, ...

Dimple Creation Surgery is a surgical procedure, the purpose of which is to create a dimple in the cheek. Natural dimples are created due to a small defect in the muscle of the cheek, and the surgeon can simulate this phenomenon by creating a small cavity in the cheek wall. This surgery is performed inside ...

Cleft lip and palate repair is a phenomenon that occurs in a small number of infants. The baby with a cleft lip has an excessive oral cleft, which can sometimes go up to the nose. In infants with a cleft palate, there is a cavity in the mouth that connects the nose to the mouth. ...

Chin cosmetic surgery is an operation that is performed to make the chin area beautiful. This surgery is usually used to correct defects due to jaw bone malformations, but most people seek this surgery to reduce their jaw size. The great chin of most people is rooted in their genetics – while having a great ...

Cheek augmentation is the improvement of the form of the face by injecting fat or inserting the prostheses of the cheek. Some people who want to modify their own cheek prefer to use some sort of augmentation methods such as fat injection or dermal filler. However, cheek augmentation is usually done using prosthetics. Cheek prosthetics ...

Breast implant revision surgery is suitable for women who want to change the appearance of their breast implants or want to increase their size. During this surgery, you can change the size of the prosthesis, ensuring that the person is happy with its appearance. Also, if a person’s prosthesis is damaged, this surgery can be ...

Mommy makeover surgery is a kind of plastic surgery that helps women who have recently given birth and now want to improve their physical appearance. The processes performed during the surgery are designed to counteract the effects of aging and the effects of labor on the body. During the mommy makeover, it is possible to ...

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