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After pregnancy, I need an Abdominoplasty, but my chest needs repair. Can you handle both areas simultaneously?

The answer to this question is yes, it can be said that the integration of Abdominoplasty with breast enlargement or abacus is very common.

Will Abdominoplasty eliminate stretch marks?

The answer to this question depends on the location of your stretch marks, but you can generally respond positively; the full Abdominoplasty will remove most of the skin in the lower abdomen, and any stretch mark in that area will also be removed from the skin. Stretch marks that are out of this area will not be affected by this surgery.

Are Outcome of Operation sustainable?

Yes, as long as your weight is stable over time, there will be no need to re-fill operation. Of course, as time passes, your skin will get older, but you will never return to the amount of hanging that you experienced before surgery.

How much pain will I experience after Abdominoplasty?

Previously, Abdominoplasty was considered as a painful operation, especially when muscle reconstruction was needed. Over the past few years, the introduction of new methods for controlling pain has changed this issue. For example, a device is designed to inject a local non-bleeding episode into the surgical site through a tube, and has recently been designed with a local bleeding disorder that can relieve pain up to 3 days after using.

Anal Fistula (VAAFT)

What can I eat after fistula surgery?

If your stomach is upset, try bland, low-fat foods like plain rice, broiled chicken, toast, and yogurt. – Drink plenty of fluids (unless your doctor tells you not to). – Include high-fibre foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, in your diet each day.

Will a scar remain after surgery?

VAAFT does not give any scars compared to the traditional razor blade.

Angiography and Angioplasty

What are the side effects of getting an angiogram?

Along with the benefits, every procedure can have some negative side effects. It is only when the benefits outweigh the harm that we prescribe a procedure to the patient. Negative and dangerous side effects for angiography are very rare. These side effects include sensitivity to the contrast agent, tearing of a vessel, bleeding, and tamponade (fluid builds up around the heart and disrupts the heartbeat).

Will an angiogram disrupt the function of my kidneys?

During an angiogram, a contrast agent is used to help us see the narrowed and clogged arteries. These agents are removed from our body through the kidneys. If your kidneys are healthy, you can easily eliminate these substances, specially if you drink a lot of water. In the case that you suffer from any kidney problems, inform your physician. He/She will decide the best course of action based on your condition. If you are diabetic and take metformin, inform your physician as you might need to stop or take some other precautionary measures.

Can angioplasty be considered a substitute for coronary artery bypass surgery?

No, each one of these procedure has its own use. In a non-emergency situation where the condition of your vessels is unknown, you should have an angiography or angioplasty if necessary. However, if your coronary arteries are severely narrowed or clogged or if you have some underlying diseases then you might need an open-heart surgery. Consult your physician regarding this matter and trust their decision.

Are angiograms harmful for pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During this procedure, a contrast agent has to be injected into your veins and subjected to X-ray radiation. That can be harmful to the fetus, especially during the first weeks of pregnancy. However, this procedure might be necessary to save your life. If you are pregnant, inform the physician and trust their decision. It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers avoid breastfeeding for at least 24-48 hours after being injected with the contrast agent. If you know anyone who has undergone an angiography or angioplasty procedure, don’t visit them sooner than 24 hours after the procedure.

Anti-Wrinkle treatment

Does vitamin C can be used in anti- wrinkle treatment?

Yes, vitamin C is one of the strongest antioxidants. Since vitamin C is present in various foods and supplements, it may be thought that it can be used as an effective remedy to fight against the radicals that can aggravate the skin. But the problem is that the body first sends vitamin C and other antioxidants to other members, which means that the skin may not always get the nutrients it needs. Hence, scientists have developed methods that can directly feed the skin with vitamin C. One of these methods is the use of creams which include vitamin C

I have been exposed to sunlight for several consecutive years, and now my skin has been wrinkled. Which type of method is suitable to cope with wrinkles, chemical peeling or laser regeneration?

Since laser regeneration is a relatively new method, there is still no long-term data that indicate the effect of different therapies on these types of wrinkles. However, many doctors believe that laser treatment will have better results because it is more accurate and allows the physician to separate the skin more precisely and in a layered method.

What causes wrinkles in the face?

There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of wrinkles, including aging, contraction of the facial muscles and exposure to sunlight.

Arm Lift

Is the surgery painful?

All reforming surgeries include a bit of pain. As other people said the Arm Lift pain is tolerable and most of them stop using the painkiller drugs after a few days.

Is liposuction always done?

Depending on the amount of reformation needed, it may be necessary to use liposuction to achieve the best results.

Is liposuction always done?

Depending on the amount of reformation needed, it may be necessary to use liposuction to achieve the best results.


Does vitamin C can be used in anti- wrinkle treatment?

Yes, vitamin C is one of the strongest antioxidants. Since vitamin C is present in various foods and supplements, it may be thought that it can be used as an effective remedy to fight against the radicals that can aggravate the skin. But the problem is that the body first sends vitamin C and other antioxidants to other members, which means that the skin may not always get the nutrients it needs. Hence, scientists have developed methods that can directly feed the skin with vitamin C. One of these methods is the use of creams which include vitamin C

I have been exposed to sunlight for several consecutive years, and now my skin has been wrinkled. Which type of method is suitable to cope with wrinkles, chemical peeling or laser regeneration?

Since laser regeneration is a relatively new method, there is still no long-term data that indicate the effect of different therapies on these types of wrinkles. However, many doctors believe that laser treatment will have better results because it is more accurate and allows the physician to separate the skin more precisely and in a layered method.

What causes wrinkles in the face?

There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of wrinkles, including aging, contraction of the facial muscles and exposure to sunlight.

Is the surgery painful?

All reforming surgeries include a bit of pain. As other people said the Arm Lift pain is tolerable and most of them stop using the painkiller drugs after a few days.

Is liposuction always done?

Depending on the amount of reformation needed, it may be necessary to use liposuction to achieve the best results.

When am I allowed to exercise?

Avoid any heavy exercise for at least 4-6 weeks and avoid exposure to the sun for several months.

What should I expect for the recovery?

You should expect some bruising and swelling after lifting. Most swellings will be lost in a week, while bruising may last for two to three weeks. You may see anorexia, itching and hair loss at the cutting part and experience a headache. After the surgery, the dressing is placed on the wounds, they are removed after a few days, and the stitched are opened after one to two weeks.

How much pain will I experience after my facelift surgery?

You will experience some temporary pain, especially around the surgical part. But this pain can be slowed down by some home remedies.

How long will my face lift last?

A facelift usually lasts for 6 to 10 years. Some people feel that they need to do it again after a while, while others do not need it.

Will the scars survive after the face lift?

Most of the women can use their hair to cover the scars. It’s better for women who have short hair to allow their hair to grow in the early stages of recovery.

Beard Transplant

Does the beard transplant last?

The result of a beard transplant is permanent. The hair being transplanted will continue growing for several years. The transplanted hair is resistant to balding process.

When will I be able to shave my face?

It differs from one individual to another one. However, it is better to avoid shaving the face for 10 to 14 days.

Is there a way to reduce scarring?

Unfortunate, there is no certain method to reduce scarring. The only way lies in using the proper technique performed by the surgeon. In the beard transplant, the hair is taken from the back of the scalp. This is a single line that runs horizontally and is normally invisible.

Is the beard transplant painful?

There is few discomfort associated with the process because the face is numbed using local anesthesia.


When can I see my surgical results?

Once inflation reduced, you will be able to see the surgical results, but this will take a few days.

Does blepharoplasty remove wrinkles?

No, blepharoplasty is not designed to eliminate the external wrinkles of the eye and eyebrow dysfunction. Of course, there are other surgical procedures to eliminate ocular wrinkles, including laser surgery and pulsed light-intensive therapies.

What is the right age for eyelid surgery?

The bloated and loose skin of the eye usually appears with age, but some young people are genetically exposed to this problem, so there can be no specific age for performing blepharoplasty.

Does eyelid surgery leave scars?

Like any other surgery, eyelid surgery also provides some scars. However, this scar is very small and will not be nearly visible after several months of recovery.

Body lift

After losing weight, I have excess adipose and excess skin in side part of the breast. what is solution?

If this part skin is in good condition, this problem will be solved with liposuction, liposuction is one therapy in medical. In some case, liposuction is necessary for health.

If not, you must think about surgery. Of course, if you intend to surgery, it needs you to plan to therapy scar because at this surgery will be performed at a site that surgeon is not able to hide the scar.

IF I lose weight or overweight after body lift?

Increasing or decreasing weight can have severe effects on body lift results. For example, weight loss and overweight cares can respectively be made  to excess skin and loss of body shape and form, overweight is one hidden disease. fatness is the main reason for disease.

Will have I cellulite after my body lift?

No, you can use the skin and excess adipose around the waist to made bigger hips, also you can use the adipose bond to do this.

Bone Fracture Treatment

When is it allowed to take a shower?

1 to 2 days after the surgery, taking a shower is allowed.

Do I need to avoid eating some foods?

You can continue your normal diet. In the case of an upset stomach, use low-fat and low-fat foods such as dill, boiling chicken, yogurt and yogurt.

After how long will I be able to return to my work environment?

The answer to this question depends on your condition and the severity of the bone fracture. For example, if your bone is broken and your job is in the office and behind the desk, you can continue working after 1 to 2 weeks. You need to tell your doctor about the timing for the exact time.

How long will I have pain?

The pain and inflammation around the surgical site will improve after a few days; it is normal to have pain up to 2-3 weeks after surgery and mild pain up to 6 weeks after surgery.

Breast Implant

Is there a possibility of prosthesis ruptures when performing mammography?

Yes, prosthetic rupture during a mammography is possible. This occurs when the pressure on the chest leading to loosening of the prosthesis. The more time the breast implants will last, the more likely it will break. But do not need to avoid mammography; just tell the specialist that the breast prosthesis has been done, so he will do more care with mammography.

Is it possible to grow fungi in saline prostheses?

Fungal infection of breast implants is a rare complication. The salt solution in saline prostheses is sterile and surgeons use a clean trick to fill them. All of these help prevent fungi growth in breast prosthesis. In the past, when filling the prostheses with another trick, the growth of the fungus risks was higher. Previously, the saline solution was exposed to air when it was injected into the prosthesis, and the possibility of contamination was present, but the saline solution was injected directly into the prosthesis directly from the reservoir.

How long breast prosthesis last?

The Institute of Medicine estimates that breast prosthesis will have an average age of 16 years.

Do saline implants get mold?

Yes, Capsular contracture is the most common complication following implant-based breast surgery and is one of the most common reasons for reoperation. This is possible both for saline and for silicone prostheses.

Breast Implant Removal

Will the duration of the recovery of breast implant removal surgery be the same as the replacement of the prosthesis?

The interesting point is that, for many women, the duration of the recovery procedure for replacement breast prosthesis is shorter than the initial operation of the prosthetic implant. Accelerating the process of improving these operations is due to the fact that the skin of the breast has already been stretched.

How can I know if I need to remove or replace my prostheses?

The answer to this question depends on you and your expectations. If you are satisfied with the appearance of your prosthesis, but because of a defect you are you are facing a problem, you can replace your prosthesis because you will not see a change in appearance. But if you feel that your prostheses are too large and want to return to your normal state of breast, it is suggested that you consider extraction of your prosthesis.

It’s already 10 years that I have my prosthesis; should I have breast implant removal?

The average lifespan of the breast prosthesis is 10 years, but if your prosthesis is not a problem for you, there is no need to rush to extract or replace them.

Breast Implant Revision

Is there any chance of unsuccessful surgery?

Although accurate data is not available, experts believe that the success rate of breast implant revision surgery is very high and more than 90% of the cases that perform this surgery are mostly satisfied with the results.

Are brine prostheses better or silicone prostheses?

The answer to this question also depends on own. Both water repellent prostheses and silicone prostheses can cause satisfactory results, and this will only depend on the skill and experience of your surgeon.

Which one is better? Breasts implant revision or extraction?

These two options are two completely different surgical procedures. The answer to this question depends on your expectations – if you generally want to extract breast implants, you can go to breast extraction. People who want to reduce their breast size, but do not want their breast size to reach its normal size; can reduce the size of the prosthesis.

Breast Lift

In which parts the incision will take place?

The location of the incision varies depending on the amount of extra skin. In a light breast lift, the incision may be made at the top of the circle around the nipple. On a heavy breast lift, the incision may be made around the nipple, either vertically or downwards, or even horizontally from bellow part of breast. Breast lift is prescribed for following cases:

  • Ptosis or sagging of the female breast
  • Breast excess loose skin.

Can the breast size be reduced or increased during this surgery?

Yes. The overall purpose of doing this surgery is to improve the appearance of the breast, so if you want you can talk about reducing or increasing its size with your doctor.

What type of pain I will experience during the surgery and after that?

This surgery is performed while the patient will go under anesthesia or local anesthesia. According to some conducted questionnaires the pain after the surgery is not that much and even tolerable, also after the completion of the surgery; doctor will prescribe you some pain-killers.

Will I have any scar after breast lift?

Several months after the surgery, one can expect redness and swollen scars. These scars usually disappear after a while. The final result depends on the ability of your body to recover.

Breast Reconstruction

What should I do if I am not satisfied with the size of my breast?

If you are not satisfied with the size of your breast you can repeat the surgery with particular methods.

Is the prosthesis permanent?

Whether the silicone or the saline is used, it is not permanent as they are dissolved in the body over time. If the silicone prosthesis is used, the breast will gradually decrease in size. The change in size might not be visible if only by MRI.

What kinds of Breast Reconstruction Surgery are there?

At present, there are three types of Breast Reconstruction Surgery. They include silicone implant, flap procedure and the combined method (silicone implant and flap procedure).

What is the difference between immediate reconstruction and delayed reconstruction?

The immediate reconstruction included rebuilding the breast and the mastectomy surgery simultaneously. The delayed reconstruction is done after the mastectomy. In the first method the number of surgery done is less than the second method with more tangible results.

breast reduction

What is the long term results of this surgery for the most people?

Most people see a reduction in the inconvenience and become more active and younger.

How much pain will I experience after the surgery?

You may see a little or moderate pain. Of course, it should be noted that this pain can be easily manages by using drugs such as acetaminophen.

Are there different types of breasts surgery?

Yes, the breast that are different in shape and size will be treated with different risks.

How am I allowed to exercise and can I use a bra?

You must limit your physical activity for 2-4 weeks after the surgery. Your doctor may also ask you to refrain from wearing bra for a few months after the surgery.

Brow lift

We have heard that during the period of recovery, the eyebrows are fixed using tools in place. Can I sense these tools on my skin?

You can feel the screws, clips, and stitches. Clips used to keep eyebrows up are felt in the form of bulges beneath the skin. If you touch them, you will sense them, otherwise you will not necessarily feel them.

What is the difference between the result of open eyebrow lift and endoscopic lift?

Open eyebrow lift often follows more sensible results and elevates the eyebrow more than the endoscopic lift up. However in open eyebrow lift the individual experiences more swelling and scars in the upper forehead or sense numbness on top of the scalp.

Will the scarring be visible after the surgery?

When a skin is cut off, one should expect scarring. When the head skin is wounded, the hair will not grow in the wounded area. If the hair is not thick, the scar will not be visible.  If the hair is thin, the scar will not be visible either; however the scar will be visible in the area with hail loss. Typically, the eyebrow lift surgery is done wherever the hair is thick so as to avoid scar.

What is the best age for eyebrow lift surgery?

The point is not related to the age. You should consider whether your eyebrow is lowered enough to need lift up surgery.

Buccal Fat Extraction

After how long will I see the results of buccal fat removal surgery?

After one to two weeks, inflation will dwindle, and you will see some preliminary results of this operation. But to see the final results of this action, you should wait 2 to 4 months.

Will the results of buccal fat removal surgery be permanent?

The results of fat extraction surgery will be permanent. However, if you gain a lot of weight, your cheek may become puffy.

After how long will the sutures be removed? Does removing stitches hurt?

Sutures usually will be removed one week to 10 days after the surgery. You may experience some pain, but this pain will not be intolerable. Stitching is usually done very quickly.

At which age one can have buccal fat removal surgery?

Fat extraction can be done at almost any age. However, it should be kept in mind that many people will lose fat during the age of 20 to 40, and if their fat is extracted before this age, they will look slimmer and unhealthy.

Buttock Lift

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift? Do I need to travel to Brazil to get it done?

A Brazilian butt lift is actually the name of a type of butt lift in which fat is taken from other parts of the body, such as the stomach and thighs, and injected into the butt for contouring and volume. The word “Brazilian” in the name of this surgery is just a way to refer to this type of surgery. You don’t have to travel to Brazil to do it.

Will I experience any pain in particular?

It is normal to witness some swelling and pain after this surgery. The patient must follow the doctor’s instructions on how to sleep and avoid prolonged sitting.

How long will buttock lift results last?

Buttock lift results are usually long-lasting. Patients should keep in mind that maintaining a stable weight is crucial for retaining their results.

buttock prosthesis

When will I be able to return to my work?

The answer to this question depends on the type of surgery performed and the individual’s body. Some photo patients have a better response to surgery, but in general, one can say that a person will be able to work one week or ten days after the surgery. Your surgeon will talk to you about this and will tell you more precisely what time you can work.

Is there a chance for leakage or rupture of the prosthesis?

Usually this is not the case; prostheses may also be used that generally do not contain any liquids and therefore do not pose a risk of leakage. You need to talk to your surgeon about this.

Will the scarring effect?

Yes, but it is unlikely to be visible. The surgeon will try to minimize the amount of cutting possible on your body and hide the cracks in the posts and natural heights of your skin. The effects of these lesions will decrease over time and will not be visible after a while.

Will this process be painful?

During the surgical process, the Intelligence team will ensure that you are in a comfortable position and do not feel pain. You will have anesthetics at all times. Before surgery, you will be referred to the topic of anesthesia. After surgery, all pain is controlled by the medication and after a few days the pain will completely disappear.

Calf Implant

Will there be scars?

Yes, but these scars are within the wrinkles of the foot and therefore will not be visible.

When will I be able to exercise?

After 8 weeks, you can do any sport you want.

Can a calf implant surgery be performed simultaneously with other types of surgeries?

Yes, including liposuction, thigh lifting, and cellulite removal.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Will I need physiotherapy after CTS surgery?

Some people will need physiotherapy after the procedure, but this is not the case for all patients. Your surgeon will tell you whether you will need physiotherapy; they will talk to you about the advantages and disadvantages of physiotherapy.

How long after the surgery will I be allowed to drive?

After CTS surgery, there is no specific time to return to driving. You should, of course, keep in mind some things, for example, you should not drive until the effect of the anesthetic has worn away. But if you have no problem in these respects, you can drive when you see fit. Once you feel that you have the ability to drive, do so at a short distance.

When would my doctor suggest surgery?

Surgery is the last option prescribed to those who did not get results from other treatments and/or have moderate or severe carpal tunnel syndrome.

What are the alternatives to carpal tunnel release surgery?

Wearing wrist splints that support your wrist and keep it in a neutral position as well as taking anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamin B6 can delay surgery. Changing or modifying job or recreational activities that aggravate your symptoms and exercising can also have positive effects. Lastly, injecting a small amount of Kenalog (a steroid) with an anesthetic can help reduce symptoms and diagnose the disease in difficult cases.

Cataract surgery

What is “the secondary cataract”?

In a small number of people (20% to 30%), after months or years, the back of the lens capsule, which was not removed during surgery, is blurred and leads to blurred vision. This secondary cataract can be eliminated by a milder operation; this surgery, which lasts 15 minutes, will make the patient’s eyes clear again.

My grandfather performed cataract surgery many years ago, and after that he had to always wear thick glasses. Is this still like this?

These days, rarely, after cataract surgery, one needs to use thick glasses. Most modern cataract surgery involves replacing the lens with an intraocular lens. There are, of course, a number of lenses (such as multi-cone grade lenses) that can make you look at glasses. Before surgery, ask your surgeon how you can minimize the use of glasses.

My doctor says that I have a cataract, but he wants to wait a bit and he is not going to extract it. Why?

A mild cataract usually causes little vision problems and may even cause no vision problems. Your doctor may consider your cataract to see if it’s getting worse; if you have an effect on your vision or on your life, he will prescribe a cataract surgery.

Cheek Augmentation

What will be the results of cheek augmentation surgery?

Cheek augmentation surgery can enhance your cheeks. As the age grows, cheek will lose its volume and falls down. The augmentation returns the volume of the cheek, therefore, you will look younger.

Will I see the scar of a wound on my face after surgery?

The cheek augmentation surgery will lead to additional scarring, but since the incisions are inside the mouth, these scars will not be visible.

Is it better to use a prosthesis or dermal filler?

If you want more durable results, the prosthesis will be a better option for you. The injection of dermal filler temporarily makes your skin look younger. If you decide to inject dermal filler, you should continuously inject it so that the results are consistently visible, but the prostheses are permanent.

Chin Augmentation | Mentoplasty

What is the durability of chin prosthesis?

A person who had chin augmentation surgery will never have to replace it. Chin prosthesis, unlike breast prostheses, is a solid piece of fluid that does not contain fluids, so most people can use their chin prostheses for a life time.

If I’m not happy with my chin prosthesis, can I remove it?

Most people have full satisfaction with their chin prosthesis and never remove it. But some people come to the conclusion that they did not need for this prosthesis and then decide to remove it. These people can remove their chin prostheses by doing a simple and inexpensive operation.

Can chin prosthesis replace inside the chin?

When the recovery period has ended, the prosthesis will remain in its place. But sometimes in the first weeks after the surgery, and before the chin is completely cured, the prosthesis may replace inside the chin. This is very rare, but in case of occurrence, it is necessary for the person to be re-operated to restore the prosthesis instead of the previous one.

Will others notice that I’ve done chin augmentation?

Chin augmentation surgery is one of the most common surgeries. Some people have beautiful chin from birth, but people who are not happy with their chin can achieve their desired appearance through surgery. It is true that in procedures such as chest prosthesis, the surgery may be so severe that others will notice it, but this is not true about chin augmentation. The results of the chin augmentation are very mild but impressive


Should I change my diet after a cholecystectomy?

In general, you won’t have to adhere to a particular diet. You can continue to consume the things you used to before the surgery. However, it would be better if you avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and spicy foods. You should also avoid high-fat foods to improve your general health. Notify your doctor if you suffer from diarrhea after the surgery.

Is it possible that pain and other symptoms remain after a cholecystectomy?

Yes, symptoms such as stomachache and indigestion may remain after a cholecystectomy. This condition is called postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCS). It occurs when the preoperative symptoms were not actually caused by the gallbladder or when there’s another problem in the bile ducts and pancreas.

Can I have cholecystectomy while pregnant?

If your gallbladder pain is severe or if it was caused by infection and obstruction and can have some serious side effects, a laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be performed. This surgery can be done at any time during a pregnancy. An open surgery is also possible for women who are still in the first trimester.

Cleft Lip and Palate

Now that in some cases it is possible to diagnose the palate and cleft lip during pregnancy, can it be restored before birth?

No, with the current technology, cleft lip or palate repair is not possible before birth.

Cleft lip or palate repair surgery is prescribed for children who suffer from cleft lip or palate (orofacial clefts).

Is it possible to detect a cleft from the fetal period?

The technology has now reached a level of growth that in some cases ultrasound imaging (ultrasound) can detect a palate and cleft lip in the first few months of pregnancy. However, in most cases it is not possible to detect a palate and cleft lip.

Does the cleft palate always lead to cleft lip?

No, About 50% of children who suffer from this problem have both gaps, while 25% of children have only cleft palate, and 25% of them suffer from only lip cleft.

On average, how many surgeries does child need for cleft lip or palate repair?

The number of surgeries required will vary from one patient to another. It can be said that at least two separate surgeries are needed to repair the cleft palate and cleft lip. However, it is necessary to perform several surgical procedures to provide a natural appearance to the lips. Sometimes, surgery is also needed to improve the ability to speak.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

Is it possible to do the surgery without a heart-lung pump?

Yes, this procedure does not require a heart-lung pump. It is done in a minimally invasive way and, unlike older methods, only requires a small incision.

What immediate side effects could the surgery have?

Heart attack

Blocking in the grafted artery

Decreased ability to pump blood

Decrease in blood pressure

Irregular heartbeat

Pericarditis (inflammation of the sac that covers the heart)

Infection in the surgical wound

Formation of blood-clot(s)

Cosmetic Ear Surgery | Otoplasty

Are the scars visible?

The incisions are not visible as they are located on the back of the ears.

How long does it take to begin work out again?

It may be necessary to postpone work out and heavy activities from one to two months after the surgery so as the ears could recover sufficiently.

How long does it take to recover from the surgery?

After the surgery, the person may have a sense of pain and itching in the ears, which can be solved by taking drugs. Swelling, numbness, and redness are also possible side effects of the surgery. The stitches are typically removed within one week from the surgery and the remaining stitches will be dissolved completely.

What age is perfect for Otoplasty?

Otoplasty can be done when the individual’s ears have grown completely; this usually occurs about at the age of 4. One of the benefits of Otoplasty at an early age is addressing the emotional and mental discomfort the child confronts with.

Dental Crown

How can I take care of my temporary dental cap?

The names of this dental cap indicate its nature – this cap is temporarily until the permanent cap is ready. In order to take care of your temporary cap you should observe the following steps:

  1. Avoid sticky foods; when you eat these foods, they may stick to your teeth and remove the cap.
  2. Avoid chewing hard material and foods; these foods can detach your teeth from its place and break them.
  3. When using dental floss, pull it out from around the teeth and do not raise it straight up. Lifting the dental floss can detach your teeth cap from its place.


Does the tooth which has crown is in need of special care?

Generally, the dental cap does not require special care, but it should be noted that having dental cap does not imply that the teeth are safe from decay and gum disease. Therefore, even after the placement of crown, you should do special care for your tooth; including daily brushing and the use of dental floss, especially around the tooth that has a dental cap on it.

How long will the crown last?

A dental cap will last from an average of 5 to 15 years. The longevity of the dental cap depends on factors such as the amount of function, the amount of hygiene in the teeth and the individual’s habits in this regard (for example, habits such as pressing the teeth, chewing the ice and nails, and using the teeth to open the packages).

Dental Filling

Which type of feeling I will have after filling my teeth?

Usually, patients will soon notice that they are more sensitive to the area they had filled. In most cases, no significant pain will be felt and the pain will be mild and temporary; it should be noted that controlling the pain can be done by avoiding stimulants such as very cold or very hot foods.

Are still stuffed with mercury alloys and is it dangerous?

Previously, mercury alloy had many supporters, but its usage has significantly decreased over the last decades and nowadays it is rarely used. The reason for avoiding mercury in the dental filling is the concerns about the presence of mercury in the body and its effects on the body. If your doctor recommends mercury alloy, the decision will be yours to accept or not. However, it’s better to look for more modern options, even if you have to spend a little more.

What materials are used to fill the teeth cavities?

Due to advancements in dental technology, we can offer modern solutions, and therefore new type of fillers. Various types of fillers are available. Some of these fillers are very common, and others are somewhat rare and expensive; there are even fillers which have raised some questions. Gold, silver alloy, composite, ceramic and glass are among the materials that can be used to fill the tooth.

Dental veneer

How can I be sure that my veneer will have the same color as other teeth?

The dentist will find a solution to this problem. In normal case, the teeth are whitened after cementing the veneer.

How can I take care of the veneer?

Brush and floss your teeth two or three times a day. Avoid eating hard objects such as nut shells or bones.

How long does the veneer last?

The dental veneer lasts from 5 to 10 years. It is recommended to see your dentist for regular examination and dental cleaning.

What is the weakness of dental veneer?

You have to completely change the veneer if it is fractured or broken. You should abandon the habit of eating or chewing your nail or pencil tip. The procedure is also not suitable for people with unhealthy gums or those who are used to put pressure on their teeth. Regular dental cleaning is important for maintaining the health of your mouth and the longevity of the veneer.

what is the advantage of dental veneer?

If you use dental veneer, a large portion of your tooth remains intact and only a small portion of the tooth is being carved. The dental veneer will give you a more beautiful smile and look. The veneer is offered in different colors and never loses its color at all.


Can I sleep with my artificial teeth?

Yes, there is no obstacle to sleep with a denture, but it’s better to remove your denture before bedtime; by removing the dentures during your sleep, your gums and bones will get rid of the imposed pressure on them by denture during the day.

How can I take care of my artificial teeth?

Unlike natural teeth, artificial teeth cannot be whitened because they are made of plastic. So, in order to keep your artificial teeth clean, brush it daily and remove pieces of food from it. Do not use ordinary toothpaste to clean your dentures. Toothpaste contains substances that may be beneficial to the natural teeth and strengthen them, but since artificial teeth are made of plastic, ordinary toothpaste may damage them. Use your dishwashing liquid and especial toothbrushes that are available for artificial teeth. If your artificial tooth got damaged, have an appointment with your doctor who has made it and asks him to repair your artificial teeth.

What types of artificial teeth are available in the market?

There are two types of dentures; complete and partial. Complete denture and is placed on the gum especially when all the teeth are missing. The type that fills the gap of some teeth is known as the partial denture. This type of denture is connected to the teeth, therefore, it remains in the patient’s mouth and occupies the empty spaces in the gum.

dermal filler injection

How long is the gel effective?

Dermal filler is dissolved in the body overtime and if not repeated, it will eventually vanish from the body. The lifetime of hyaluronic acid depends on the person, his skin structure, lifestyle and age.

Is it a secure process?

Hyaluronic acid injected into the skin is similar to that of produced in the body. Moreover, it is not derived from animals (talk to your doctor to insure this issue) thus, there is no possible risk related to animal disease or allergies. However, as with other medical trick, the Dermal Filler Injection follows some degree of risks which is mentioned by your health care provider.

Is the treatment retrievable?

Yes, if needed, another substance is injected into the skin to retrieve the dermal filler.

Can Dermal Filler Injection replace surgery?

We witness drastic improvement in Dermal Filler Injection process. However, those people with excess skin or in need of skin exfoliation cannot merely rely on Derma Filler Injection.

Will I feel pain during the Dermal Filler Injection?

The pain is a personal issue and varies from person to person. The gel injected to the skin contains a substance which helps to reduce the pain associated with the injection.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a kind of gel injected into the skin to increase the skin volume while reducing the wrinkles. The substance is naturally produced in the body and is totally dissolvable.

Dimple Creation Surgery

Can we avoid the risks involved in doing this?

Since people differ from each other, it is necessary for your doctor to explain the risks to you personally. These risks are usually small and preventable. It should be noted that this surgery will most often be successful.

How can I prepare for this surgery?

Like all surgical procedures, you will be asked to avoid smoking and blood thinners. You may also be asked to take an antibiotic to prevent infection. It is also necessary that your mouth is washed to remove bacteria that are in this area.

For whom this surgery is suitable?

People who have adequate health can do this surgery. During your first meeting with your doctor, your physical and mental condition will be examined. Your expectations of doing this surgery will also be heard.

Double Chin Treatment

How Long Should Chin Strap Be Worn After Chin Liposuction?

It is best to wear it for three weeks. For optimal result, it is best to have the compression band on.

Does Chin Liposuction Hurt?

Chin liposuction is an outpatient procedure, and it typically does not require an overnight hospital stay. Patients often experience less pain during chin liposuction surgery than they would during other liposuction procedures. The chin liposuction recovery period is usually shorter than the recovery period associated with other liposuction surgeries, too.

Does Double Chin Surgery Deliver Long-Lasting Results?

Chin liposuction is designed to deliver long-term results, but how long these results last varies based on the individual. In many instances, the results of a chin liposuction procedure may last seven to 10 years. However, the aging process affects each person differently, and as a person gets older, the results of chin liposuction may gradually disappear

Dupuytren's Contracture

Will I be able to use my hands?

As long as your hand is not recovered properly, you will not be able to use your hand while you also need to use the splint and similar tools to protect your hand.

How much pain will I suffer in the Fasciotomy surgery?

During the surgery, you do not feel the pain due to the anesthesia. After the surgery, you can manage the pain with the prescribed tranquilizers.

Egg freezing

What is a good number of eggs to freeze?

 If you are younger than 38, freezing 15 to 20 mature eggs will give you roughly a 70 to 80 percent chance of at least one live birth. If you are 38 to 40 years old, freezing 25 to 30 mature eggs is recommended for a 65 to 75 percent chance of at least one live birth.

How long does the egg freezing process take?

The egg retrieval process takes about 10 minutes and is done under mild anesthesia or sedation.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant

Are eyebrow hair transplants permanent?

Although all of the transplanted hairs will fall during the first few weeks, they will regrow approximately 3 months later. In general, not all of the hairs will grow back, therefore you might need a repair surgery for thicker eyebrows.

Can men get eyebrow hair transplants as well?

Of course, eyebrows are eyebrows, there are no gender limitations! Eyebrows are an important feature of both male and female faces. Men can undergo this sort of procedure whether it is for aesthetic purposes, a congenital disorder, or injuries such as burns or scars.

Which is better, an eyebrow hair transplant or microblading?

The answer to this question is very subjective and personal. With microblading, you can shape your eyebrows however you want. With a transplant however, there are limitations in shapes and style but many still prefer transplants because they look more natural. Microblading gives your eyebrows an artificial and uniform look that needs repair every now and then while a transplant needs repair only until it has reached the desired density.

Which eyebrow hair transplant method is the best?

In general, there are two methods for eyebrow hair transplantation. Each method has its own use depending on the conditions of your hair and skin and on your desires and expectations. The physician takes these things into consideration and will recommend the most suitable one after listening to your opinion as well. At the moment, the most commonly used method is FUE, in which the hair follicles that will be transplanted to your eyebrows are removed individually.

Face lift

When am I allowed to exercise?

Avoid any heavy exercise for at least 4-6 weeks and avoid exposure to the sun for several months.

What should I expect for the recovery?

You should expect some bruising and swelling after lifting. Most swellings will be lost in a week, while bruising may last for two to three weeks. You may see anorexia, itching and hair loss at the cutting part and experience a headache. After the surgery, the dressing is placed on the wounds, they are removed after a few days, and the stitched are opened after one to two weeks.

How much pain will I experience after my facelift surgery?

You will experience some temporary pain, especially around the surgical part. But this pain can be slowed down by some home remedies.

How long will my face lift last?

A facelift usually lasts for 6 to 10 years. Some people feel that they need to do it again after a while, while others do not need it.

Will the scars survive after the face lift?

Most of the women can use their hair to cover the scars. It’s better for women who have short hair to allow their hair to grow in the early stages of recovery.

Am I the good one to do this operation?

Facial lift surgery is individually adjusted for each individual. The best candidates for doing this operation are the people with a dull face and neckline, but they have elastic skin and good skeletal one.


What is dumping syndrome?

You may be affected by dumping syndrome after having a gastrectomy. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomachache, diarrhea and constipation. People who suffer from dumping syndrome experience these symptoms 15-30 minutes after meals.

When can I return to my daily activities after a gastrectomy?

Your doctor will decide on how many days you should rest after a gastrectomy based on your conditions. Normally, it will be around 2 weeks before you can return to your daily routine. The most important thing to note is your diet, you must follow your prescribed diet to avoid dizziness and fatigue throughout the day.

What are the risks of having a gastrectomy?

Just like all other surgical procedures, there are always some potential complications that may occur during a gastrectomy. These include sensitivity to the anesthetic and bleeding from the area of the surgery.

Gastric balloon

What if my balloon shrinks?

During surgery, the surgeon will fill your balloon with a blue liquid. Now, if your balloon is shrinking, you will easily know this because your urine will be colored. If you see this phenomenon, you should share it with the clinic to takes the balloon out of your body within 48 hours.

Can I travel while having balloon in my stomach?

Please note that balloon therapy is a kind of treatment which is the subcategory of another medical field; however, while the probability of occurring any problem is very low, it is suggested that you do not go for a foreign trip because in the case of any problem you may not be able to find someone who has enough expertise in this field.

How much weight I will lose through this surgery?

It’s important to know that this surgery is actually a tool to lose weight and it will work when you follow the program which your doctor has prescribed. The amount of weight loss varies from one patient to another, but in general, it can be said that people lose 10 to 20 percent of their total body weight.

Gastric Banding

How long will stomach band last? Is it life-long?

The gastric band is made to last a lifelong, and when we put the bandage in the body we expect that there will no need to remove it from the body. There are, of course, problems that may occur after this procedure, and in case of these problems, the gastric band may need to be removed from the body.

Is there any metal in this band?

No, this band is made of solid silicon. So, when you cross the gates of the airport, the siren of the gates will not sound.

What type of material is used to make band?

The band is made of solid silicon and consists of three parts: a band that is closed around the gastric, the part where the band is adjusted, and the part that connects the two parts to each other. Silicone prostheses have been used in various medical areas and there is no evidence that they are dangerous for the body. Also, since this bond is made of solid silicon, there is no risk of liquid leakage.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

What risks will this surgery carry?

Before doing this, you need to know that gastric by-pass is a heavy surgery with its own dangers. The most common dangers of this surgery include deficiency of vitamins and minerals, dehydration, kidney stones, gallstones, and low blood sugar. There are, of course, many other dangers that you should talk to your doctor about.

Is there a substitute for gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery has several other alternatives, including surgical procedures and non-surgical procedures. One of the ways to avoid surgery is dietary control, exercise and lifestyle changes.

What should I expect after my stomach?

After doing this, you may be asked to stop eating for 1 to 2 days to get better sooner. In the next 12 weeks, you need to follow a very strict diet; this diet starts with fluids and after a while it allows you to eat regular foods. This surgery will not only help you in weight loss, but also other problems associated with obesity, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and interruptions of breathing.

Gastric Plication

Will I regain my weight after a gastric plication surgery?

Yes and no. Everything depends on you and the choices that you make. If you have a hard time controlling your consumption of food, think more about whether you want to undergo this surgery or not. If you maintain a proper diet and exercise regularly, the effects of this surgery will be permanent.

What’s the difference between gastric sleeve and gastric plication?

They are both weight loss surgeries. The difference between them is that in a gastric sleeve surgery, a big part of the stomach is removed whereas during gastric plication the stomach is just folded to make it smaller, which is what makes it reversible. Consult your physician to figure out which weight loss method is most suitable for you considering your conditions.

What are the side effects of gastric plication?

There are some dangerous yet very rare complications that occur in only 1% of people who undergo this procedure. The absorption of nutrients is not affected at all, so don’t worry about deficiencies. Because the size of your stomach is reduced, you might feel bloated after meals but this can be alleviated through proper nutrition. It is best that you consult a physician about the most suitable weight loss option for you. Keep in mind that this procedure is reversible.

Gastric sleeve

Will my stomach reflux be increased after my surgery?

This is a subject that has caused many debates. According to some centers, gastric reflux is increased after sleeve gastrectomy. However, some other evidence suggests that after sleeve gastrectomy, the number of stomach refluxes will decrease. Whatever the truth is, you can be sure that after this surgery, you can prevent gastric reflux by using anti-acid medications and by changing your lifestyle.

What are the advantages of sleeve gastrectomy over gastric bypass?

The main advantage of the sleeve gastrectomy is that during this surgery, there is no need to make a connection between the stomach and small intestine. The sleeve gastrectomy has fewer long-term problems than gastric bypass. Since the stomach is not attached to the small intestine in this operation, therefore, the risk of internal hernia and internal wounds is almost zero. These two problems are greatly caused by gastric bypass. Also, in sleeve gastrectomy, the probability of the shortage of nutrients is less than gastric bypass.

Will I have long lasing lose weight process after the surgery?

Sleeve gastrectomy is a kind of surgery that has been relatively short history but has many fans around the world. First, this operation was a part of another larger process, but over time, it turned out that this surgery can aid weight loss. Then, sleeve gastrectomy was offered as an independent operation, According to some conducted studies, the weight loss resulting from this operation will last after the completion of the operation.

Glaucoma Treatment

Can glaucoma be prevented?

No, but opportune detection can control it and reduce blindness possibility.

Where can I detect my glaucoma?

The symptoms of glaucoma will vary depending on the type of glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma progresses slowly and painlessly, and without your knowledge, your eyesight can be damaged. The first glaucoma symptoms may appear when you have poor vision. In the chronic angle-closure glaucoma, you will have blurred vision; you will see the halo of light or the colored circles around the bulbs and the pain and redness of the eyes.

Will glaucoma lead to my blindness?

If glaucoma is detected in its early stages, it can be controlled and prevent visual impairment. If left untreated, the vision begins to weaken from the surrounding areas and this weakness reaches the midpoint and eventually blindness is possible.

Gummy Smile

Is gummy smile genetic?

Gummy smiles occur for a variety of reasons, most commonly a short upper lip, excessive gum tissue or small teeth, all of which are genetic. Ideal smiles show up only to about two millimeters of gum

Can braces cause a gummy smile?

If the cause of gummy smile is entirely due to excess pronation of your upper teeth leading to thin hypotonic lip then yes putting on braces to correct underlying malocclusion may help to reduce your gummy smile.


Can I do this despite being overweight?

Many people who are willing to do this surgery are overweight. Of course weight loss is naturally much healthier and its appearance will be much better. It should be noted that the result of naturally losing weight is differed than surgical losing as it is a healthy and safe method of weight loss. But usually after weight loss, some excess fat may leave in the breast area; this is why obese men may need to undergo surgery

Can I do Gynecomastia surgery again if needed?

If you want to reduce your chest size again, you can do this again. But if your problem is indentation or ups and downs, solving this problem will be much more difficult.

Are the results of Gynecomastia surgery permanent?

Patients are warned that there is a chance of recurrence even after surgery.

Is there a solution other than surgical treatment for Gynecomastia?

Losing weight can help overweight patients; however, it’s not guaranteed to lose weight in the breast area. But in the case of skinny patients, surgery is the only remedy for Gynecomastia.

What are the most important points to consider when deciding to have Gynecomastia Surgery?

The most important question is whether the situation is so disturbing to the patient or not. It’s usually said that men get embarrassed about taking off their shirts on the beach, or their shirt clings to their breast during exercise and looks strange. It is also said that their nipples are more erect, especially when they are warm. If such situations are annoying, you can think of doing Gynecomastia surgery.

Hair loss treatment

Is it true life events can affect hair growth and hair loss?

Yes. Some life events can “shock” your body and disrupt the normal rhythm of hair growth. As a result of this shock, 30-40% of the hair stop growing and start drooping after 3 months. For example, childbirth, high fever, sudden weight loss due to dietary changes, surgery, severe illness and stressful events such as the death of loved ones and divorce can cause sudden hair loss.

Which expert should I refer to if I experience hair loss?

If you experience sudden and abnormal hair loss, it is best to refer to a dermatologist. A dermatologist is specialized in skin, hair and nail problem, and can offer particular solutions to your problem.

What is the reason for hail loss?

There are many factors that can cause hair loss for example thyroid disease and iron deficiency.

Is it natural losing 100 to 150 hair spikes on a daily basis?

All people get hair loss daily. Losing 100 hair on a daily basis is natural and does not mean you are being. Your scalp skin contains about 100,000 hair spikes that are growing continuously.

Hair Transplant

Is the hair transplant permanent?

The hair being transplanted, are genetically resistant which grows till the end of your life. However, you may experience hair loss again in your head which may require re transplanting the hair.

Do the people notice hair transplant?

Redness is the side effect of the hair transplant which lasts up to 3 weeks after the surgery. During this time, you can cover your head with a head or dismiss form work. Your head will be shaved to make the process easy and prevent any damage to existing hair.

Is there severe scarring after the surgery?

In the procedure, small incision is made in the area which is not detectable by ordinary people. Moreover, the incision is made at the back of the head which are covered by the hair.

Is the procedure painful?

Although it seems a painful procedure, there is no pain associated with the surgery at all but a bit discomfort. The surgery is similar to dental filling in which there is no pain in the surgical area because of the anesthesia used. After the surgery, you will experience little discomfort which will be reduced using painkillers.


Hairline Lowering

How should I know that this surgery is good for me?

If you feel that the height or size of your forehead is too much or does not fit with other parts of your face, this surgery can be right for you. Of course, you must have realistic expectations and be aware of the risks and consequences of this operation

What are the outcomes of hairline lowering?

First of all, the outcomes of this surgery are quite natural. The purpose of this operation is to achieve a beautiful face that has a proportional dimension; in other words, the purpose of this operation is to achieve a form that is normal and not out of its ordinary state.

Will there be any scar after doing hairline lowering surgery?

The incisions created during this surgery are created on the natural hairline so that they will be hidden. These incisions are improved over the first 7 to 10 days and are constantly shrinking over the next 6 to 12 months. The number of incisions and their magnitude depending on the complexity of the surgery.

Heart Valve Surgery

Do heart valve surgeries have any complications and side effects?

Although heart valve surgery could save your, the following complications may occur:



Heart attack

Malfunction of the implanted valve

Irregular heartbeat

What are the risks of pregnancy after a heart valve surgery?

Pregnancies after a heart valve surgery are considered high-risk pregnancies. Consult your physician before attempting to get pregnant. He/she will assess the situation and decide what’s best for you. If the physician approves and you do get pregnant, keep in mind that your condition will be continuously supervised throughout the pregnancy. Your health and safety are of the utmost importance. Proper heart function and correct doses of blood thinners can help prevent a miscarriage.


What are the dangers of having a hepatectomy?

A hepatectomy, like all other surgical procedures, can have some complications. These include: sensitivity to the anesthetic, infection of the surgical wound, bleeding from the surgical wound and clotting problems.

When can I return to my normal daily life after a hepatectomy?

You can return to your normal daily routine approximately 2 weeks after the surgery. Avoid strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects for at least one month.

Do I need to get a liver transplant after a hepatectomy?

Some patients may not be able to have a partial hepatectomy. These patients must have their whole liver removed. In this case, they will need to replace their liver with a new one through a liver transplant. However, a new liver might not be available and the patient may have to wait for a donor to be found. During this time, other treatments will be used to control the cancer until a donor is found.

Hiatal Hernia

Who is likely to get a hatial hernia?

People who are obese, women, and those older than 50 are more likely to get a sliding hatial hernia. A rolling hatial hernia occurs more after stomach or esophagus surgeries.

Could the post-surgical symptoms return later on?

Yes, occasionally, due to the nature of hatial hernias the post-surgical symptoms may not be alleviated or may return in varying degrees.

What is the non-surgical treatment for hiatial hernias?

The first step to reducing the severity of the symptoms is to fix your lifestyle. This includes:

  • Reducing your weight if you are overweight
  • Reducing the size of your meals
  • Staying away from sour food and food that contains preservatives
  • Not lying down until 3 hours after eating
  • Raising your head approximately 15 cm when lying down
  • Quitting smoking

The second step is to take the medication that your doctor will prescribe. These drugs alleviate your symptoms by reducing the production of acid in your stomach.

Hip Arthroscopy

I feel that I’m infected. What should I do?

Post-surgical infection is not common. However, contact your surgeon’s office if you have symptoms of infection. Symptoms of infection include fever and chills, redness around the area of the surgical site and the spread of this redness, sudden pain.

What happens if I fall on the foot that has been operated on?

Slipping after surgery is a common phenomenon. If you feel that you’re falling, it doesn’t matter to put some pressure on your operated on leg, so you do not fall. If you fall, you will experience pain but you do not have to worry about it. At the next meeting with your doctor or rehabilitation specialist, state this and follow their recommendations.

When can I drive?

Do not drive if you use a powerful narcotic. Otherwise, if surgery is done on your left joint and your car has an automatic gear, you can continue driving about 1 week after surgery. If surgery is done on your right joint or your car is a manual-transmission one, you can only drive when you do not need a crutch and have good control over your muscles. This usually occurs 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.

When can I get into the pool or hot tub?

You cannot enter your pelvis in the water for 2 weeks.

When will I be allowed to take a shower?

Usually you can take a shower three days after surgery.

Hip Replacement

Can I use dumbbells?

Usually you should not use dumbbells for the first two months. However, since the physical strength of each individual is different, consult your physiotherapist before using dumbbells.

I feel that one of my legs is shorter than the other one. What should I do?

This is a common phenomenon. Probably one of your legs has been shorter than your other leg from the beginning due to the cartilage erosion. During surgery, your surgeon has returned the natural height of your pelvis.

When can I get my hip joint into the water (swimming pool, bathtub, sea, etc.)?

Normally, do not swim and use hot water for up to 6 weeks after surgery.

However, if the fluid is not leaking after two weeks, some surgeons will allow patients to do so.

When can I take a shower?

Five days after surgery, of course if the liquid is not leaking out of the cutting area.

How long should I keep my wounds under wound dressing?

Almost a week or until the liquid is not leaking out of the cutting area, A new gauze should be placed on the wound daily.

In Vitro Fertilization

Can IVF help detect potential diseases and birth defects early on?

Yes, genetic screening can help identify potential diseases before the fertilized egg (embryo) is transferred to the mother’s uterus. These screening tests are useful for those who have a family history of genetic and/or chromosomal disorders. IVF is sometimes used to prevent the transfer of mitochondrial diseases from the mother and to choose the sex of the child.

What is the success rate for IVF?

The likelihood of getting pregnant through IVF depends on several factors such as the mother’s age, causes of infertility, and the chosen treatment option. According to research, approximately 30% of IVF procedures lead to a successful pregnancy, of course this is just an average estimate. The chances increase for younger mothers and decrease for older ones. For example, women under the age of 35 have a 39% chance of getting pregnant through IVF. Note that these are the statistics for one cycle of IVF, if the first time fails, you can always do it again and still have a chance.

Which tests indicate a low chance of IVF success?

The success of IVF requires a fair amount of high-quality, healthy eggs. These conditions are assessed before starting the IVF procedure. Patients whose blood estradiol and FSH levels are high on the third day of the cycle have lower chances of having a successful IVF.

Intraocular Lens Implant

Where will this lens be placed?

The anterior chamber lens is located in the front of the iris and inside the anterior chamber. The posterior chamber lens is inserted at the back of the iris and in front of the normal lens.

Will I feel the lens inside my eye? Where will this lens be placed?

No, you will neither feel it nor see it. It should be noted that there are two types of T lenses: Anterior Chamber Lenses and Posterior Chamber Lenses.

Jaw Bone Graft

Why do I need implant for Jaw Bone Graft?

Augmenting the jaw bone is sometimes necessary because of the deterioration of the jaw bone. When the tooth is missing, there will be less blood flow to that area, which degenerates over time.  If there is not enough anchor to support the implant, then the jaw bone will deteriorate over time. Therefore, the Jaw Bone Graft is necessary to make the jawbone strong again to hold the implant.

What is the source of Bone Graft?

There are several sources for the Jaw Bone Graft. The Bone Graft may be sourced from your own bone or the donors. Animal bone is another source of Bone Graft. Usually, the bull’s bone is extracted for human Jaw Bone Graft. In other cases, artificial bone is used for the procedure.

Is the Bone Graft painful?

During the procedure, you will not feel any pain because the local anesthesia is used. However, you may feel a bit of pain after the surgery which will be relieved in a few days. Moreover, the doctor will prescribe certain pain killers to relieve the pain.

Is the Jaw Bone Graft really necessary?

If the Jaw Bone Graft is advised for you by the doctor, it means that you have lost the large portion of your bone. This issue will not be healed by its own over time but brings more trouble in the future. Once the implant is fused to your jaw bone, the Bone Graft is necessary for you if a large portion of your bone is lost.

Knee Fracture Treatment

How long will I have pain?

Most fractures will have moderate pain for a few days to a few weeks. Many patients have reported that using cold compresses, keeping their feet intact and using simple painkillers that do not require a doctor can help relieve the pain.

When can I go to physiotherapy after my time?

The doctor will determine when you have reached a stage of recovery that you can take in physiotherapy. This is an important part of the recovery process. Physiotherapy sessions usually last for two times in six weeks.

Can I continue to walk after surgery?

After surgery, your knee is likely to be plastered or bone setting. You may also not to be able to walk properly due to the weakness. In this case, you need to make a stick so you can walk through it.

What are the symptoms of fracture?

  • Fracture sound at the time of the accident
  • Pain, swelling and bruising immediately after an accident
  • Difficulty walking and smoothing the foot

Knee Ligament Surgery

I have “popping” inside my knee. Is this normal?

This is caused by the soft tissue movement in the joint and usually lessens after the muscles become stronger.

When will I be able to drive again?

If you are using powerful painkillers, you should refrain from driving. If the operation was done on your left knee, you can continue driving when your reflexes are back (usually after a week). If your right knee was operated, you usually have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to continue driving.

When am I allowed to remove my bandages?

You can remove the bandages after 2 days.

How long after ACL surgery can I shower?

It is best to avoid getting your stitches wet. You can shower after going home, but you should cover the bandages and incision in order to keep them dry.

How long after ACL surgery can I start running again?

Usually 3 months after surgery (excessive running is not allowed).

Knee replacement

How long will the prosthetic knee joint last? Will there be a need to replace it?

Research has shown that more than 85 percent of people who have this surgery will have a functional joint by 15 to 20 years after surgery. However, pressure on the joint can affect its function and longevity.

How do I prepare my home for recovery?

If your home is multi-story, prepare a space with a bed on the ground floor to avoid walking stairs after returning. Make sure your home is free from any hazardous obstacles and clutter. It is advisable to have a knob in the bathroom so you can use it to hold.

What should I expect to see after the operation?

After waking up, a bandage will probably be on your knee and a drain (discharge device) will also be attached to the surgical site. Your foot may be elevated at some height.

How much pain will I experience after the operation?

How much pain will I experience after the operation?


Will my future partner understand that I’ve done this?

The results of this surgery are very natural and the scarring effect is very low. So, if someone does not know about it before, it’s unlikely to notice it.

How long after this surgery would I be allowed to exercise?

We suggest that you avoid exercise and physical activity for at least 4 to 6 weeks; this can be even more for some people.

Can I have trouble doing lobbing in my marital life?

If the Labiaplasty is done correctly, there is no change in vaginal sensitivity. However, this is likely, but you will most likely not face this problem.

Can other operations be performed with this surgery?

It is common for surgeons to perform several different operations simultaneously; thus, they can be achieved more definitively with the ultimate appearance. Meanwhile, by doing a few things simultaneously, you will no longer have to pay the cost of anesthesia and surgery room separately and in turn, and this can be effective in reducing costs, but it is necessary to discuss this with the surgeon’s doctor Speak yourself to make sure that you have the ability to perform multiple actions at the same time.

Laser Eye Surgery | LASEK

What are the advantages of Lasek vs Lasik?

In Lasek, the cornea stability is maintained, because there is no need to create a flap on the eye. This causes the omission of flap problems in Lasek. Meanwhile, some people who intend to do Lasik surgery are not allowed to do so due to their thin cornea, while Lasek can be helpful for such people.

Is the convalescence of Lasek similar to Lasik surgery?

No, returning one’s eyesight last one to two weeks in Lasek, while this time for Lasik is about 48 hours.

What is the difference between Lasek and Lasik?

In Lasek surgery, the physician removes the outer layer of the eye and forms the cornea. Then the layer is laid out to protects the eyes. The person will also use a protective lens for 3 to 4 days to improve her eyes. But in Lasik surgery, the physician uses a laser to create a flap on the eye. In Lasek surgery this flap will not be created. After flapping the cornea, the flap returns to its primary position.

Laser Eye Surgery | LASIK

If I do LASIK, can I do it again after vision changes?

You can do this again later. However, you should note that there are other options for treatment. It is better to discuss the changes with your doctor and ask him to give you the best treatment.

Will the effects of LASIK work forever?

The effects of the LASIK operation are permanent. However, it should be noted that the person’s eye after surgery may also change from within. That’s why many eye specialists suggest that the surgery should be taken after major eye changes.

Can I be sure of the safety of this action?

Most research suggests that the risk of a problem after the LASIK procedure is very low. The overall rate of occurrence of post-operative LASIK problems is less than 1%.

Everyone is not allowed to do LASIK surgery, but can anyone do PRK?

People with defense system disorder, the history of colloid (flesh-supplemented as a result of injury) or some eye diseases are not allowed to perform PRK.

Lip Augmentation

Are there any other procedures other than surgery to improve lips?

Yes, but unlike the results of the surgery, the results of these methods have little survival. For example, there is a cosmetic product that stimulates the lips and temporarily swells them up. You can also use suction pumps on the lids to increase their blood flow and increase the lips.

Is this surgery painful?

This surgery is not painful on its own because it will be injected into the lobe area before a powerful hypoglycemic operation. Of course, the lips of some people are more sensitive than others, so the answer to this question depends on the individual himself.

How long will lip augmentation work?

The durability of the effects of this surgery depends on how it works. For example, if a lumbar prosthesis is used to improve this member, the results will be permanent. Lip enhancement using hyaluronic acid Derma fillers usually lasts 6 to 12 months.


Is this surgery good for obesity?

Liposuction is not a good treatment for obesity. This is not effective for people who are not able to lose weight through diet and exercise, even as a last resort. Liposuction is mostly prescribed for the people who have stable fat deposits.

What is the effect of this surgery on the skin? Will there be a visible scar?

The appearance of the skin after liposuction depends on the elasticity of the skin. A skin that has a good elasticity will have a smooth, natural appearance after liposuction. Also, liposuction tools have so far developed so much that very small cuts are needed to do so, so the problem of remaining scarring is not that much important.

Will I have pain after liposuction?

During the first two days after liposuction, the amount of pain depends on the type of anesthetic that has been used during the procedure. The pain will usually be within 2-4 days of surgery at its most severe interval and then slowly decrease. This pain and discomfort usually lasts up to 4 weeks after the lesion, and will slowly decrease over the next 4 to 8 weeks.

Which part of the body can be treated with liposuction?

For women, the most common parts of the body for liposuction are abdomen, chest, buttocks, knees, arms, hips, cheeks, exterior part of the thighs, front part of the thighs, inner part of the thighs and neck. For men, who constitute only 15-25% of all applicants for liposuction, the most common parts of the body for liposuction are the range of chin and neck, abdomen, flanks and chest.

What should I expect from this operation?

After liposuction, we can say that the new form of the body will be permanent. If a person gains a little weight after liposuction, his body form will be in the form of a larger version of this form. Fat cells released through liposuction will not grow again.


Is it always possible to choose lumpectomy instead of mastectomy?

No, lumpectomy is not suitable for all patients and types of cancer. The following are cases when lumpectomy is not a suitable option:

  • When there are several lumps of malignant tissue at different locations in the breast. In such cases it might not be possible to remove them with one incision.
  • When cancerous cells have taken over all of the breast and there are no healthy cells left.
  • When the patient cannot undergo radiotherapy afterwards. Pregnant women and patients with skin diseases are a few examples.

Does the choice between mastectomy and lumpectomy affect the chances of cancer recurrence?

No, in the past it was believed that patients who underwent a lumpectomy had a higher likelihood of recurrence but research has shown that that is not the case. Mastectomy and lumpectomy (+radiotherapy) prevent recurrence equally.

Do mastectomy and lumpectomy have any side effects?

Normally these procedures are considered low-risk. Bleeding, infection, swelling of the surgical wound and the hand, and breast and shoulder pain are some potential side effects

Can cancer return after a lumpectomy?

Sadly yes, less than 10 in every 100 women who undergo this surgery experience cancer recurrence.


Is it always possible to choose lumpectomy instead of mastectomy?

No, lumpectomy is not suitable for all patients and types of cancer. The following are cases when lumpectomy is not a suitable option:

  • When there are several lumps of malignant tissue at different locations in the breast. In such cases it might not be possible to remove them with one incision.
  • When cancerous cells have taken over all of the breast and there are no healthy cells left.
  • When the patient cannot undergo radiotherapy afterwards. Pregnant women and patients with skin diseases are a few examples.

Does the choice between mastectomy and lumpectomy affect the chances of cancer recurrence?

No, in the past it was believed that patients who underwent a lumpectomy had a higher likelihood of recurrence but research has shown that that is not the case. Mastectomy and lumpectomy (+radiotherapy) prevent recurrence equally.

Do mastectomy and lumpectomy have any side effects?

Normally these procedures are considered low-risk. Bleeding, infection, swelling of the surgical wound and the hand, and breast and shoulder pain are some potential side effects

Can cancer return after a mastectomy?

Unfortunately yes, breast cancer can return even after a mastectomy because we cannot be sure that all of the breast tissue has been removed. Approximately 5 in every 100 women who undergo mastectomy suffer from a cancer recurrence.

Meniscus Surgery

What is the probability of the surgery being successful?

Meniscus rupture surgery leads to the elimination of symptoms in 85% of cases. Meniscus extraction studies have shown that 78 to 88 percent of people see good results from minor meniscus extraction.

The likelihood of the success in this surgery is greater in people who are in one of the following categories:

  • Young people
  • People whose knees have a good balance
  • People with longitudinal tear of the meniscus or tear in the red area
  • People who have not had knee injuries for more than a few weeks

Is there another way to treat meniscus ruptures?

Before deciding a surgery, you can use other methods to address this problem, including resting, using cold compresses, using rubber bands, and keeping your foot up at rest. In addition to these actions, physiotherapy can also be effective.

What are the different types of meniscus rupture?

A mild rupture that includes mild pain and swelling: this rupture is usually resolved after 2 to 3 weeks.

Moderate rupture, including pain in the central part or around the knee: in this case, the swelling will usually worsen after 2 to 3 days.

Severe a rupture in which split cartilage pieces may enter into the joint space. This can lead to spasm, lock or special sound of your knees.

How is meniscus torn?

Meniscus rupture is usually caused by a spin in a position where your foot is on the ground and your knee bent. These tears occur when lifting a heavy object or exercising. As the age increases, the meniscus is eroded, which makes it more vulnerable to rupture.


Will chin cosmetic surgery be painful?

After all the surgeries, there will be some pain. All people who take this action will have prescriptions that they can use to reduce their pain. Of course, experiencing severe pain after chin cosmetic surgery is a rare phenomenon.

How long will the bruises and swelling remain after chin cosmetic surgery?

The bruising and swelling resulting from chin cosmetic surgery will start to disappear after one week. Bruising and swelling may last from 2 to 6 weeks.

I am a gentleman. Will chin cosmetic cause disruptions while shaving my beard?

No, up to about 3 days after the chin cosmetic surgery, the site will be covered by the dressing. You can shave the hair around this area and after the fourth day, when the dressing is removed, you’ll be able to shave your face with a razor for a whole week. After 10 days, you can use your trimmer to shave your face.

Which one do I need: chin prosthesis, neck liposuction or face lift?

The prosthesis makes the jaw chin sharper and brings balance to the face, while the balance of dimensions is one of the important features of beauty. Chin prostheses are used to improve the chin structure to rejuvenate it.

During neck liposuction, neck fat is extracted. If the neck skin has good elasticity, the neck will take a younger look after it.

If you have excess skin that does not have good elasticity and does not take the desired shape after liposuction, you may need a neck lift or facelift.

Mommy Makeover

Is mommy makeover suitable for everyone?

It is not suitable for patients who suffer from serious problems such as diabetes, heart problems, or pulmonary diseases. Overweight cases should reduce their weight before doing a mommy makeover. Also, women who are planning to become pregnant should complete this process after the end of pregnancy.

I am 46 years old. Am I too old for mommy makeover surgery

The answer to this question is negative – the only prerequisite for doing this is that the person should be in good health.

I have just given birth after how long will I be able to do this surgery

In general, women will return to their normal weight 3 weeks after delivery and their breasts will return to normal after 3 weeks of ending lactation. It is better for a person to have mommy makeover surgery after 5 months of pregnancy.

Neck Lift

Is the Neck Lift permanent?

Nothing can prevent aging even by surgery. Therefore, the Neck Lift surgery is not permanent either. However, you will not see the skin loss for years after the surgery. It should be noted that weigh gain can lead to obesity and loss of skin elasticity.

Are neck lift results permanent?

The result of the surgery will be seen approximately within a week, though there are some swelling in the surgical site.

How long does it take for the stitches to be removed?

Depending on the surgical procedure, the stitches are removed within 7 to 10 days.

What age is suitable for Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck Lift can be roughly done at any age; However, most people do Neck Lift surgery from the age of 30 to 70 years old.


What advantages does a laparoscopic nephrectomy have?

Less pain during the recovery period

Shorter recovery period

Less scarring

Shorter hospital stay

Lower risk of bowel complications after the surgery

What are the risks of having a nephrectomy?



Sensitivity to anesthetic

Damage to surrounding organs

Hernia at the surgical wound(s)

Are there any symptoms I should watch out for after a nephrectomy?

Notify your physician if you experience the following:

  • 38°C+ fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sever stomachache
  • Severe weakness and fatigue
  • Secretions and bleeding from the wound
  • Problems when urinating

Nose Job

How long does it take to eliminate nose inflation in general?

If you want to see the final results of nasal surgeries, you have to wait. It is true that your nose will return to the normal shape after a few weeks, but some swellings can last for one year or more. These side swings are not usually identifiable by others.

When do the stitches open?

All stitches are going to be open about one week after the surgery.

How will nose surgery improve? Will I experience pain?

The period of recovery of this surgery is not as difficult as people imagine. You will feel that your nose is cape and your nose will be swollen under the bandage. Bruises are normal under the eyes and usually disappear after a week. Most patients say that they experienced pain or a slight headache after one or two days after the surgery.

What problems can be solved with nasal cosmetic surgery?

Any structural nasal problem can be solved with this operation. These include nasal congestion, the drooping of the nose, nasal cavity enlargement or nose injury.

What age is possible for me to have the nose job?

It is very important that the person has reached the age when his nose growth has stopped. This age for girls is about 14 and for boys a little later. Except for this case, there is no other restriction for the nose surgery.

Orthodontist Braces

What do I do if a bracket or band comes off, or if a wire is loose?

Orthodontic emergencies are rare. Your braces are held in place by a strong, reliable dental adhesive, and the brackets themselves are designed to bond securely. But if one of your brackets does fall off – or if a band or wire comes loose – call your orthodontist right away.

How do I take care of my braces?

Once you get your braces put on, you’ll have more questions about the best way to take care of your teeth. Brushing and flossing can be slightly more complicated. Your orthodontist can give you the best advice based on your specific treatment.

What do braces feel like?

It will probably take 1 to 2 weeks to adjust to your new braces. Your teeth may “feel” larger, and your lips, cheeks, and tongue may be sensitive as they get used to the braces. Your orthodontist will give you some special wax you can put on your brackets to help relieve any irritation. If you have behind-the-teeth braces, your speech may also feel a little clumsy for the first week or two.

No matter how teeth are straightened, most people experience tenderness when their teeth move. After first getting braces, and after each adjustment, you may feel a little pressure and discomfort when biting or chewing, but this should only last for a few days. Ask your orthodontist about how best to relieve any discomfort. Before you know it, having braces will feel normal and you will be able to enjoy your favorite activities – and snacks – without discomfort.

Pacemaker Implantation

What are some common side effects that occur after the procedure?

There aren’t any special side effects in most cases. Sometimes there is swelling in the surgical wound.

Do the postoperative symptoms eventually go away?

Yes, symptoms related to heart arrhythmia such as headaches, weakness, and fainting don’t last very long after the procedure.

How many days do I have to wait before I return to my daily routine after the procedure?

Your physician would provide a better answer to this question but usually one week after the surgery.

Penis Augmentation

When will I be able to perform sexual activities?

Usually, after 4 to 6 weeks, you can engage in sexual activity unless your surgeon has a different opinion.

If I lose weight, does the injected fat also disappear?

No, we have fat in all parts of our body; however, the fat used by the body (during weight loss) is only removed from certain parts of the body. This fat will be removed from the liver, and then from the abdomen, for men. Therefore, the likelihood of the effect of weight loss on injected fat is very low.

Will the results of this surgery be permanent?

In most cases, if the instructions given after surgery are followed, the results of the surgery will be permanent. If the purpose of this surgery is to increase the length of the penis, following the instructions can help to improve the results. If surgery is performed to increase the diameter of the penis, you should expect the diameter of your penis to reach 60% of the diameter immediately after surgery.

Pterygium Surgery

One of the members of my family has this disease, is this hereditary?

The possibility of heredity of pterygia is very low. However, family members are exposed to the sun in a similar amount and this can be the cause of the other family member’s involvement in the pterygia.

Will the extraction of pterygia improve my vision?

If the pterygia have a disruption in your cornea, you may see some improvements in your eyesight after the surgery, and if so, you will actually need a new pair of glasses.

What will be the shape of my eye after the surgery?

If your disease won’t come back, it’s likely that after six months you won’t be able to identify which eye is being operated on. If this operation is being done on an eye which had pterygium before, you will probably not be seeing good results in terms of beauty.

Retinal Detachment

What problems in eyes can lead to retinal detachments?

The damages which are caused by shotguns, tennis, golf, football, boxing and car accidents can lead to retinal detachments.

What are the symptoms of retinal detachment?

At first, you may not experience the symptoms of this disorder. After a while, you will experience a “dark curtain” on your vision which is inserted slowly and this curtain will block your sight from one side (the location of this event depends on where the retina is separated from). When the process of separation reaches the midpoint of the retina, the person’s vision becomes suddenly and severely blurred. Over the time, this curtain will obscure the patients sight as long as he can only see the intense light.

What are the ways to prevent retinal detachments?

Knowing the symptoms of this disorder is the best way to defend yourself. If you have been experiencing the symptoms of the disease, go straight to a specialist immediately.

Is the retinal detachment a common phenomenon?

No, retinal detachment is not a very common phenomenon. Only 6 to 8 out of every 10000 people experience this disorder. Retinal detachment can occur at any age, but it is more likely to be around 40-65 years old and later.

root canal

Is it necessary to coat the teeth in root canal?

Coating the tooth is not necessary for the root canal. However, if the tooth is too weak or severely infected it might be required to coat the tooth.

Does the root canal destroy the tooth completely?

In the root canal, the nerves are destroyed, as if the tooth is dead. However, the aim of a root canal is to save the tooth.

Is tooth canal treatment dangerous?

There are few risks associated with a root canal. There are a number of factors which cause failure to the treatment. In certain cases, it is possible to retreat the tooth. However, sometimes the tooth is lost if the initial treatment fails. The best way to reduce the associated risks lies in selecting an experienced dentist and following his instructions.

Does root canal cause cancer?

There are some common myths linking endodontic treatment such as root canal treatment with occurring cancer in other parts of the body. There is no scientific proof on this issue. Most of the reclamations are based on a single study which was done in the 20th century and has been rejected by modern science.

Is the tooth canal treatment painful?

Usually, a local anesthesia is used during the treatment and it feels the same as dental filling. You may feel a bit soreness after the procedure, but it will subside over time.

Scar Removal

Does skin transplantation include outpatient like other methods?

Skin transplantation is done when the scars are much severe and are not treated with other methods. Unlike other methods, the skin transplantation includes general anesthesia and hospital confinement.

Do I get the desired results with one laser treatment session?

The doctor may dedicate several sessions for laser therapy to achieve the long-lasting result and maximizing the scar removing. This applies particularly to non-fluid laser treatment. This method does not entail long recovery period, however several therapy sessions might be needed to get the maximum result.

Does laser treatment completely eliminate scars?

Due to recent advances in the field of medicine, laser treatment has become one of the common ways to eliminate scars. But it should be noted that laser therapy cannot remove the scars completely. However, the scars will be less visible than the initial scars.

What kind of scars are treatable?

Laser therapies and radiotherapy are effective methods in treating the scars in most parts of the body, including the feet, hands, face, chest, abdomen and thighs. If you want to know which treatment you need, consult your physician. He will check your scars and list the existing treatment options.

Sex Reassignment Surgery (Female To Male)

What are the surgical procedures that can be used to change the appearance of feminine to masculine?

Among the surgeries that can be taken to reduce the feminine properties and increase the masculine properties are masculine face surgery, masculine breast surgery, and masculine body surgery.

Are the results of sex reassignment surgery permanent?

The answer to this question depends on the surgery. Some of the surgeries are permanent and some of the other works will be temporary. But in general, it can be said that most of these surgeries will have lifelong effects. It should be noted that some of these surgeries can be reversed (they can be neutralized in case of regret), but people rarely do this.

Does sex reassignment surgery have any risk?

This surgery, like any other operation, is not risk-free, but by following the precautionary guidelines, it is possible to minimize the probability of occurrence. Prior to surgery, tests will be carried out to assess the likelihood of occurrence of the problem. In general, the risks arising from this operation are very low.

Sex Reassignment Surgery (Male To Female)

Should I have a specific weight to do this surgery?

Having a particular weight is not a prerequisite for this surgery, but it is suggested to be close to your ideal weight and have BMI less than 27. You can calculate your BMI through various websites.

After how long will the scar of the surgery will disappear?

The scars will never disappear; they are permanent. The stages of wound healing may take one year. These wounds may have a pink or reddish appearance in the first few months after surgery, and maybe swollen, but after six months to one year, they usually become smooth and soft. 8 to 12 months after the surgery, these wounds will be hardly visible.

Can I have orgasms?

Most people who carry out this surgery will be able to experience orgasms. Some people may experience orgasms after several months, and others will experience this feeling after one year and a half.

Shoulder Arthroscopy

Do I need a splint?

In most cases, the use of splint is prescribed for your convenience. However, there are some cases in which you need to use splint. Please talk to your doctor about this.

What shouldn’t I do at all?

If avoiding a particular task is one of the requirements for improvement, these things will be told by your doctor. Avoid doing things that cause pain in your shoulder generally.

I cannot sleep because I experience a lot of pain. What should I do?

This pain usually worsens during sleep and makes it difficult to sleep. Using prescribed medications can help reduce pain and make sleep easier.

When am I allowed to drive?

Avoid driving if you use a strong narcotic. It is suggested that you do not drive if you have a hand in splint. After removing the splint and if the power of your hand is restored, you can drive.

When I am allowed to take a shower?

You can open your dressing and take a shower after 48 hours. You can soak your shoulder, but it’s not allowed to dip into the water for up to 14 days after surgery.

shoulder replacement

When will I be able to do my daily activities?

Most patients will be able to do daily activities such as eating and dressing up to 2 weeks after the surgery.

When is the time allowed to drive?

Driving from 2 to 4 weeks after surgery is not allowed.

Is exercise more than it is recommended helpful to me?

No, this can lead to more restrictions for you in the long run. So do not overdo the exercises and get enough of the prescribed amount.

Is it okay to exercise?

After doing this, refrain from contact sports and weight lifting!


How is life without a spleen?

After the spleen is removed, other organs in the body will start doing its job and you can return to your normal life. However, there is an increased risk of infection among individuals whose spleen has been removed. You must receive the appropriate vaccines and have access to a doctor and may need to use antibiotics to avoid infection.

Could there be any complications during a splenectomy?

In general, splenectomy is a safe procedure but like with many other surgical procedures there may be certain complications. These include bleeding, damage to the organs surrounding the spleen and infection of the surgical wound(s).

Teeth Cleaning

What are the benefits of teeth cleaning?

Teeth cleaning will clean your teeth and reduce your future cost of dental treatments. For example, if gum disease is neglected, there may be a need for deep teeth cleaning, gingival graft, dental plantation and tooth replacement.

How can I be sure of the cleanliness of my teeth?

Make sure to brush your teeth every morning and night or after each meal. It is also necessary to use dental floss daily and wash your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash. By following these instructions, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy during the interval between the teeth cleaning sessions. Every 2 to 3 months, change your toothbrush and avoid stiff toothbrushes; using these toothbrushes can lead to tooth decay and bleeding of the gum.

How often do I need to have teeth cleaning?

According to some institutions, all children and adults should have a double scan and dental checkup once a year. If a person has gum problems or other oral problems, it may be necessary to increase the duration of her checkup sessions.

Teeth Whitening

Is the teeth whitening procedure safe?

According to the latest scientific findings, this process not only does damage teeth, gums and tooth fillers, but rather is useful for people with certain illnesses.

Is the tooth bleaching suitable for everyone?

No, you need to consult your dentist. Certain groups such as infants and pregnant women are not a candidate for teeth whitening.

What is the reason for discoloring the teeth?

There are many factors for discoloration the teeth including certain foods and drinks, red wine, medications such as tetracycline and certain childhood diseases. Moreover, the color of the teeth darkens as we get older. If there is a severe knock to the front teeth, the area will become discolored over time.

Thigh Lift

Will I face physical restrictions after doing the surgery?

In the 3 to 4 weeks after the surgery, you should avoid doing squat exercise. After 3 to 4 weeks, you will be allowed to do light workout. However avoid heavy physical activity up to 6 weeks after the surgery.

Will I need corrective surgery?

Depending on the amount of excess skin, you may need to do one or more surgery to get the desired outcome.

Will the scars be visible after the thigh lift?

Yes, the scars will be visible in thigh lift surgery. The surgeon tries to reduce the size of incision and place it in the less visible site.  However, the scars are clearer than you expect. Talking about the outcome of the surgery and having realistic expectation are important issues to consider.

Tooth extraction

What should I do after the surgery?

Bleeding is the normal side effect of tooth extraction for which the doctor recommends using gauze. He will teach you when to change the gauze regularly. Let the blood clot covers your tooth and doesn’t try to remove it.

When I have to get my tooth pulled out?

Tooth extraction is the last step to solve the tooth problems. The real tooth is far better than the best implant and the dentist tries his best to save the tooth. When there are severe tooth decay and damage to the tooth, it might be necessary to pull out the tooth.

Does the procedure affect my appearance?

You will experience swelling after the surgery which will vanish after a while.

Does the procedure hurt?

During the surgery, the dentist numbers the area using medications. There will be little discomfort and pain after the surgery which subsides over time.

tooth implant

How do I know the tooth implant is right for me?

Almost anyone who has lost one, several or all of their teeth is a good candidate for a tooth implant. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your needs and expectations.

What if I want to remove implant?

The answer is no. you cannot remove the implants as they are tightly attached and fused to the bone and are similar to the natural tooth.

Is the tooth implant permanent?

Unlike natural teeth, dental implants are not susceptible to certain diseases like decay; however, it should be noted that gum health is an effective factor in implant sustainability. Moreover, the success of implant sustainability relies on regular check-ups and home care and cleansing.

What is the success rate of tooth implant?

The answer to this question varies from individual to individual and with each person’s health and habits. For a healthy person with good health and oral hygiene, the success rate of dental implant is high raising to 90 to 95 percent.

Tracheal Shave

Is there any risk of changing my voice forever?

The amount of this risk depends on the surgery method used by the surgeon. If your surgeon uses more reliable methods, this can be reduced to zero. So you need to talk to your surgeon about this.

What will be the scar after trachea shave surgery?

The incision created for this surgery is 3 cm and is created under your chin (preferably in a skin wrinkle). After one year, the only visible effect is a thin, white line.

What is the difference between Adam’s apples of females and males?

One of the most significant differences between men and women is the presence of Adam’s apples; Adam’s apples are the small lump that exists in the middle part of the male throat and is present in the female throats, but it is not easily seen. You can greatly reduce the size of Adam’s apples by performing a trachea shave surgery.

Treat Recurrent corneal erosion

What is the best way to treat this disease?

More than surgery, which is the last option for the treatment, researchers suggest that the combination therapy, including tetracycline, topical corticosteroids, and eye drops, is the most effective way of treating RCE.

What is the cause if recurrent cornea?

In a study of 104 cases of RCE, the incidence of this disease in 45% of people was due to physical damage to the cornea, 25% due to EBMD, and 17% due to a combination of physical damage and EBMD disease.

Varicose Veins Treatment

Will the surgery to treat varicose be painful?

During the surgery, the person will be anesthetized or numb, and thus will not feel pain; it can also be said that the period of improvement of modern remedies for varicose does not include almost any pain.

Will the varicose veins return after extraction?

No, but the vessels in the treated area may be affected by the person’s illness and become varicose veins and restore that area to another for the rest of the time.

What is the cause of varicose?

The main reason for the occurrence of varicose is a tissue-related genetic disorder that leads to an outbreak of the veins. Obesity, sitting too much, standing up, constipation and pregnancy can also affect the condition of the disease.


What is the retina?

The retina is a nerve layer in the back of the eye that senses light and sends images to your brain. The eye is like a camera. The lens in the eye opens the light into the retina. The retina can be considered the same layer as the back of the camera.

Can I take a shower?

You can take a shower and wash your body and face, but do not let the soap or shampoo get into your eyes. You can use a towel to clean your face. Some people use swimming glasses so that shampoo and soap do not penetrate their eyes.

What if the gas bubble is injected into my eyes, what are the conditions for me to sleep?

As it was said, it is necessary to face downwards to push the bubble to the retina. To do this, do not lie down when you are going to lie down or sleep, because then the bubble will push the lens of the eye instead of the retina.

Why should I take my face down?

When the gas bubble is injected into the eye, the goal is to push the bubble into the retina and put it in its right place. But since the retina is located in the back of the eye, this pressure only enters when the face is down.

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