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Gynecomastia surgery is a type of surgery that aims to treat male breast enlargement or swelling. This problem occurs due to a type of hormonal impairment that can happen for any man of any age, size, or weight. People who suffer from Gynecomastia are not able to lose the weight of their breast through exercise. The occurrence of large breasts in men can also be due to overweight. Some breast enlargement cases can be eliminated through other methods, such as diet, exercise, and radiotherapy. However, if these solutions do not work, the patient will go for surgery.

Duration of Gynecomastia

The process of treating each patient will be different than another patient, but most patients who go under the surgery will be ready to return to work a few days later; however, this depends on the type of work of the individual.

Gynecomastia And Related Paraclinics

Prior to Gynecomastia surgery, it may be necessary for the patient to carry out medical tests. These tests can include a blood test and a hormonal test.

Preoperative Care Regarding Gynecomastia Surgery

The patient should stop smoking at least 2 weeks before surgery and stop drinking alcohol 1 week before. Products containing aspirin and blood thinners should also be avoided.

The Process of Surgery

During this surgery, fat and extra-glandular tissues are removed from the breast. The incision is created along the areola (the circle around the nipple) and fat and extra tissues are removed by liposuction. If it is necessary to remove a large amount of the breast tissue, a larger incision may be created that starts from the nipple and goes to the breast. It may also be necessary to displace the nipple. This surgery is performed during anesthesia and lasts 1 to 2 hours.

Postoperative Care Regarding Gynecomastia Surgery

It is suggested that the patient takes rest in the early days after surgery. The surgeon may place a drain on the surgical site to remove the discharge. Typically a compression garment is prescribed for the first few weeks after surgery, which should be used by the patient, but during this time he can continue his daily activities.

Important points about Surgery

This surgery is not recommended for:

  • Breasts that can shrink through exercise
  • Patients with serious health problems

Possible risks include:

  • Infection
  • Scar
  • Damage to the nerves
  • Bruises
  • Bleeding
  • Dissatisfaction with the results

 Gynecomastia surgery is usually prescribed for the following cases:

  • Abnormal breast size in men
  • Breast tissue that does not shrink after losing weight

Duration of Admission

A patient will be admitted to the hospital for 1 to 2 days.



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Can I do this despite being overweight?

Many people who are willing to do this surgery are overweight. Of course weight loss is naturally much healthier and its appearance will be much better. It should be noted that the result of naturally losing weight is differed than surgical losing as it is a healthy and safe method of weight loss. But usually after weight loss, some excess fat may leave in the breast area; this is why obese men may need to undergo surgery

Can I do Gynecomastia surgery again if needed?

If you want to reduce your chest size again, you can do this again. But if your problem is indentation or ups and downs, solving this problem will be much more difficult.

Are the results of Gynecomastia surgery permanent?

Patients are warned that there is a chance of recurrence even after surgery.

Is there a solution other than surgical treatment for Gynecomastia?

Losing weight can help overweight patients; however, it’s not guaranteed to lose weight in the breast area. But in the case of skinny patients, surgery is the only remedy for Gynecomastia.

What are the most important points to consider when deciding to have Gynecomastia Surgery?

The most important question is whether the situation is so disturbing to the patient or not. It’s usually said that men get embarrassed about taking off their shirts on the beach, or their shirt clings to their breast during exercise and looks strange. It is also said that their nipples are more erect, especially when they are warm. If such situations are annoying, you can think of doing Gynecomastia surgery.

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