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CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) Surgery

2min Read

CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) surgery is an operation that aims to reduce the pain caused by the syndrome and its symptoms. When a person has CTS, his or her hands and arms will feel numb and have a tingling sensation. CTS occurs when the median nerves of the hand are under pressure.

Before surgery, simple measures will be suggested to the patient, including corticosteroids, wearing wrist splinters at bedtime, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.

Duration of Treatment

After the operation, the patient will need to rest from two to four weeks and will be able to return to work after this period. The full recovery period is six weeks.

Related Paraclinics

Prior to this surgery, the patient will undergo physical examinations and will need to have X-rays taken as well. Other tests may also be needed, in which case the doctor will inform the patient.

Preoperative Teaching

Preoperative Care

Before the surgery, the patient will be asked to avoid medications such as aspirin, herbal supplements, and ibuprofen. It is also important to avoid eating and drinking 6 to 12 hours before surgery.

Surgical Procedure

This operation can be performed both as an open release surgery and an endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery. The difference between these two operations is that in open surgery, the surgeon cuts the carpal ligament and enlarges the carpal tunnel, while in the endoscopic type, the surgery is performed by inserting a camera attached to a narrow tube. In either case, the surgeon closes the carpal ligament and stitches up the incision.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts 20 to 30 minutes.

Postoperative Care

After the operation is over, the patient should open and close their fingers and move them to help prevent stiffness. It is also advised to elevate the hand above the heart to reduce swelling. It is also necessary to keep bandages dry and clean.

Important Facts about the Procedure

Possible Risks

  • Injury to the nerve, blood vessels, and tendons

Prescribed for

  • People with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Number of Hospitalized Days

There will be no need to stay overnight.


Price Details

Number of Companions



Number of pending reviews175


Will I need physiotherapy after CTS surgery?

Some people will need physiotherapy after the procedure, but this is not the case for all patients. Your surgeon will tell you whether you will need physiotherapy; they will talk to you about the advantages and disadvantages of physiotherapy.

How long after the surgery will I be allowed to drive?

After CTS surgery, there is no specific time to return to driving. You should, of course, keep in mind some things, for example, you should not drive until the effect of the anesthetic has worn away. But if you have no problem in these respects, you can drive when you see fit. Once you feel that you have the ability to drive, do so at a short distance.

When would my doctor suggest surgery?

Surgery is the last option prescribed to those who did not get results from other treatments and/or have moderate or severe carpal tunnel syndrome.

What are the alternatives to carpal tunnel release surgery?

Wearing wrist splints that support your wrist and keep it in a neutral position as well as taking anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamin B6 can delay surgery. Changing or modifying job or recreational activities that aggravate your symptoms and exercising can also have positive effects. Lastly, injecting a small amount of Kenalog (a steroid) with an anesthetic can help reduce symptoms and diagnose the disease in difficult cases.

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