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Double Chin Treatment

Double Chin Treatment

2min Read

While many of us would like to see a streamlined profile when we look in the mirror, some of us have excess fat that creates a double chin, also called submental fullness.

Plastic surgeons use a variety of procedures to remove a double chin. One of these procedures is liposuction. This procedure removes fat from beneath the skin and sculpts the chin and neck contour. Doctors make a small incision under the skin, insert a tube and suck out the fat.

Duration of Double Chin Treatment

It is a brief procedure that takes only about 40 minutes, including the laser portion to help melt fat and tighten skin, and it requires only a local anesthetic.

Results are sometimes seen within days, but it’s more typical to see full results within 4 to 6 weeks. Most people can return to work within one to two weeks.

Double Chin Treatment-Related Paraclinics

Before the operation, patients will need to undergo some health tests to ensure they are fit for surgery.

The following recommendations may be made:

  • Stop taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs at least 2 weeks before surgery.
  • Women may be asked to stop taking the contraceptive pill.
  • Patients with anemia may be asked to take iron supplements.

Before care, procedure care, and aftercare Double Chin Treatment

Before surgery

  1. Your surgeon will examine the chin and neck and make markings with a pen to note areas where they’ll insert their cannulas.
  2. The skin is cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic solution designed to reduce infection risks.
  3. The surgeon will then administer medications for sedation, if desired, or inject a local anesthetic (numbing medication) into the skin.

The process of the surgery

Chin liposuction works by inserting a small tube, called a cannula, into the chin in different areas. Using gentle suction, small and strategic amounts of fat are removed from each location. The result is a smoother, more even profile with a reduced amount of fat under the chin.

After surgery

You can expect some swelling and discomfort following the procedure. The skin on the neck and chin may feel very tight due to swelling and bruising. If you have facial drains to reduce blood and fluid buildup in your neck, a doctor will usually remove these after a day or two.

A doctor may recommend applying antibiotic ointment to any incision areas. They’ll usually recommend avoiding the sun or getting excessive amounts of water on the face and chin for a few days.

For chin liposuction, recovery time is usually a few days to a week before returning to work.

Possible risks include

  • asymmetry of facial features
  • bleeding
  • complications from anesthesia, such as problems breathing
  • decreased skin sensitivity
  • discomfort
  • infection
  • nerve injury
  • scarring
  • swelling

Prescribed for

It’s prescribed for people who have a double chin and looking for ways to get rid of it.

Duration of hospitalization

This surgery does not need hospitalization.


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How Long Should Chin Strap Be Worn After Chin Liposuction?

It is best to wear it for three weeks. For optimal result, it is best to have the compression band on.

Does Chin Liposuction Hurt?

Chin liposuction is an outpatient procedure, and it typically does not require an overnight hospital stay. Patients often experience less pain during chin liposuction surgery than they would during other liposuction procedures. The chin liposuction recovery period is usually shorter than the recovery period associated with other liposuction surgeries, too.

Does Double Chin Surgery Deliver Long-Lasting Results?

Chin liposuction is designed to deliver long-term results, but how long these results last varies based on the individual. In many instances, the results of a chin liposuction procedure may last seven to 10 years. However, the aging process affects each person differently, and as a person gets older, the results of chin liposuction may gradually disappear

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