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Hip Arthroscopy

Hip Arthroscopy

2min Read

The hip arthroscopy is a type of surgery that is performed to examine the internal space of the hip and in some cases it also includes repair of the area. This surgery is a form of operation performed using an arthroscope. The arthroscope is a tubular device that includes a camera and is directed by the surgeon to the surgical site so that the inside can be seen without opening it. The surgeon can now diagnose the problem by observing the site and make corrections if necessary.

Duration of treatment

Patients are expected to walk with a crutch for up to 1-2 weeks after surgery and have 6 weeks of physiotherapy. It may take up to 3 to 6 months for the patient to reach a point that does not feel pain after physical activity. Of course, there are some ways to speed up the recovery process, which we will continue to discuss.

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Prior to surgery, the doctor will perform several tests to measure the patient’s health and to ensure that the patient is healthy enough to perform the operation. It may also be necessary to perform some tests on the doctor’s diagnosis. Other tests, such as ECG and X-ray imaging of the breast, will also be prescribed at this time, if necessary.

Preoperative care, operation process, and postoperative care

Preoperative care

If the surgery involves general anesthesia, you may be asked to avoid eating and drinking a few hours before the surgery. You should also discuss all your medications and supplements with your doctor, as it may be necessary to avoid taking some of these medications. Such drugs include blood clotting medications such as aspirin, which may need to be avoided.

Operation process

The surgeon creates an incision in the pelvic region and enters the arthroscope in the hip joint through it. As already mentioned, the camera is connected to the arthroscope, by which the surgeon can observe the image of the joint through it. This camera transmits hip joint video images to a monitor and surgeon observes it. Now, according to the observations, the surgeon may attach several small devices to the arthroscope and apply minor corrections to the pelvis. After completing this step, the surgeon removes the arthroscope and sutures the surgical site.

Postoperative care

In order to accelerate the recovery process, in addition to following your doctor’s instructions and performing prescribed exercises, avoid the following:

  • Sitting on low and soft surfaces
  • Shifting the weight of body onto the operated on leg
  • Casting one leg on the other leg so that the ankle is placed on the knee
  • Lifting the leg

Surgical Tips:

  • Possible risks include:
  • Damage to the joint
  • Damage to nerves and blood vessels
  • Infection
  • Blood clot in the leg

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I feel that I’m infected. What should I do?

Post-surgical infection is not common. However, contact your surgeon’s office if you have symptoms of infection. Symptoms of infection include fever and chills, redness around the area of the surgical site and the spread of this redness, sudden pain.

What happens if I fall on the foot that has been operated on?

Slipping after surgery is a common phenomenon. If you feel that you’re falling, it doesn’t matter to put some pressure on your operated on leg, so you do not fall. If you fall, you will experience pain but you do not have to worry about it. At the next meeting with your doctor or rehabilitation specialist, state this and follow their recommendations.

When can I drive?

Do not drive if you use a powerful narcotic. Otherwise, if surgery is done on your left joint and your car has an automatic gear, you can continue driving about 1 week after surgery. If surgery is done on your right joint or your car is a manual-transmission one, you can only drive when you do not need a crutch and have good control over your muscles. This usually occurs 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.

When can I get into the pool or hot tub?

You cannot enter your pelvis in the water for 2 weeks.

When will I be allowed to take a shower?

Usually you can take a shower three days after surgery.

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