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Gynecologist, cosmetic surgeon and the only scientific representative of Iran Deca, Some of the procedures she performs are all gynecologic surgeries, labioplasty, and vignettes.

While many of us would like to see a streamlined profile when we look in the mirror, some of us have excess fat that creates a double chin, also called submental fullness. Plastic surgeons use a variety of procedures to remove a double chin. One of these procedures is liposuction. This procedure removes fat from ...

Gynecomastia surgery is a type of surgery that aims to treat male breast enlargement or swelling. This problem occurs due to a type of hormonal impairment that can happen for any man of any age, size, or weight. People who suffer from Gynecomastia are not able to lose the weight of their breast through exercise. ...

In this text, we will talk about medical, disease and health, health and beauty are together, so try to keep and save our health by new medical methods. Body lift in medical is a set of cosmetic surgery that its aim is to improve personal appearance with split and lifting of extra skin and smoothing ...

A buttock lift is a cosmetic procedure in which the loose excess skin is removed from the buttocks to improve the appearance of the backside. Many people have loose skin on their buttocks due to various causes, including severe weight loss and aging. The buttock lift is a good solution to this problem. Duration of ...

The procedure for lowering the hairline, also known as the forehead reduction surgery, is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the forehead. Most of the candidates for this surgery are those whose hairlines are too high or receding; women are more likely to have hairline lower than men. In some cases, hair transplantation ...

Hair loss treatment is a combination of techniques used to treat hair loss in men and women. Hair loss occurs both on the body and on the head and can be caused by a number of reasons. It should be noted that the remedies proposed for the hair loss treatment are more suitable for those ...

Beard transplant is a process during which, the hair is transplanted from one part of the body to the face. The procedure is most common for those men with a thin beard who ate looking for the thicker and more impressive beard. In beard transplant, usually, the hair is taken from the side and back ...

Varicose veins are veins that have been removed from the normal state and their walls are weakened and, as a result, have become swollen and large. These veins are visible from the skin, blue or violet, swollen and leafy on the page. These veins usually include a phenomenon called spider veins; the spider veins are ...

Labiaplasty is a type of surgery whose purpose is to change the skin’s position on the sides of the vagina. In some cases, labia major may also be removed, although in most cases, surgery is performed on the labia minor. This surgery is done more like a beautiful act, but it can also be done ...

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