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Body lift

Body lift

3min Read

In this text, we will talk about medical, disease and health, health and beauty are together, so try to keep and save our health by new medical methods. Body lift in medical is a set of cosmetic surgery that its aim is to improve personal appearance with split and lifting of extra skin and smoothing existing skin. It is for cosmetic and improving, but some of them are for health, all like to seem beautiful and healthy, due to this reason charge much money for their aim. Of course, it is necessary we cost for our health, anyone does not like a disease.

In order to access to our health, we must live correctly, doing sport and practice, using medical devices and avoid disease, by suit nutrition and compliance with health issues. We must read the medical newspaper and magazine till know better disease reasons. we must consult our doctor about diseases.

In a body lift, excess adipose under the skin is removed. Body lift most commonly to be prescribed to patients who have lost a lot of weight and have excess skin due to surgery, sports exercise or diet. Body lower parts are the most popular type of body lift, which may include abdominoplasty, thigh lift and hips lift.

Also, it may combine to other types of body lifts as surgeries of chest lift and shoulder lift. Medical sciences have many solutions for all diseases. Do overweight and fatness are a disease?  Yes, in fact, fatness is one disease.

Disease Treatment Duration

Most patients who to lift, return to normal activities four to six weeks later, and can return to sport exercise after six to eight weeks. Remove disease from your life, with medical advices.

Related  para clinic

The patients will undergo different tests before body lift, and his medical condition will be checked. Since body lift may involve several other surgeries, tests for those lifting will also be required.

Surgery Preoperative cares, surgery process, surgery postoperative cares.

If the patient is a smoker, before surgery he will asked to stop smoking, because smoke may reduce the speed of the improvement process. Also it is necessary to avoid eating, drinking before surgery, and avoiding drugs as Aspirin, totally smoke is not advised in medical. All disease will be hard for healing with smoke.

Surgery process for health

Disease differ in all people imagination, diseases are different.  Body lift in most case involved, incisions in the side parts of the body, split the extra skin, Liposuction can also be added to this process to improve the body form and health, depending on patient need, the surgeon will perform the surgical procedure in different parts, such abdomen, thigh and hips. After access to desired form, the surgeon closes the area and wraps it off. Body lift achieved under the surgery process, it will take time 5- 7 hours. Excess skin can be one disease.

Depending on which types of surgical procedures the body, special medical cares will be needed in order to protect those areas. For example, if a patient do Brachioplasty, he will be asked probably to take his arm for a few days above her heart.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult with the surgeon about the cares needed for each body lift. But it is certain in general it can be said that a few weeks after a body lift, should be avoided of heavy activities.

Important points in related to surgery

Body lift is not recommended for the following patients:

  • Patients who intend to lose weight.
  • Ladies who intend to become pregnant.

Possible risks of this surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Improper wound healing
  • Physical discharge
  • Numbness
  • Adipose necrosis
  • Continuous pain
  • Continuous edema in the legs
  • Asymmetry in the limb of the body

All the mentioned above is a disease, Why do you let to disease to enter your life? Check your health with a monthly check-up and test.

Bellow prices are for body lifts surgeries in different countries, these prices may be change depend on some charges, but mostly have evaluated and resulted according to reliable medical resources.

Prescribing for health

Patients who lose weight and have excess skin.

Admission Duration

Patients will be hospitalized for 1 to 3 days.


Price Details

Number of Companions



Number of pending reviews174


After losing weight, I have excess adipose and excess skin in side part of the breast. what is solution?

If this part skin is in good condition, this problem will be solved with liposuction, liposuction is one therapy in medical. In some case, liposuction is necessary for health.

If not, you must think about surgery. Of course, if you intend to surgery, it needs you to plan to therapy scar because at this surgery will be performed at a site that surgeon is not able to hide the scar.

IF I lose weight or overweight after body lift?

Increasing or decreasing weight can have severe effects on body lift results. For example, weight loss and overweight cares can respectively be made  to excess skin and loss of body shape and form, overweight is one hidden disease. fatness is the main reason for disease.

Will have I cellulite after my body lift?

No, you can use the skin and excess adipose around the waist to made bigger hips, also you can use the adipose bond to do this.

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