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blepharoplasty or Eyelid job

blepharoplasty or Eyelid job

4min Read
October 25, 2022

blepharoplasty – Aging will affect the skin, facial skin is not excluded in this regard. As time passes, the skin around eyes will get wrinkly, bumps and dark circles will appear around the eyes. These changes, not only will cause one look old and exhausted, but also will cause limited visibility. These changes, are the result of ageing, genetics, and environmental conditions which leads to loosen under eye skin and muscle, and effect the skin’s elasticity of that area.

Thus one of those methods to get rid of these side effects of ageing, is eyelid surgery which is called Blepharoplasty. This method give a younger look to the patient’s eyes and removes the ptosis look and extra skin and fat both eyelids. This is the famous method of rejuvenation surgeries among women and men, elderlies and youngsters. This is not aimed to stop ageing process, but it will help to look young and fresh.

When the surgery is needed?


Having extra skin above the eyelid, may cause puffiness, which make one look exhausted. In some extreme types, it may cause limited sight.
Under the eye puffiness
Insomnia may cause under eye puffiness, sometimes; ageing will have the same affect. This is because of the skin tension, and is easily removable by blepharoplasty. Side effects of ageing, affect the skin around eyes, and lead to drained look both in above and under eyelid skin. Rejuvenation surgery will help getting rid of olden look and freshens the skin around the eyes.
Skin sagging and wrinkles around the eye
Loosening under the eye skin and tissues, will result in aged look. Blepharoplasty will help to remove the wrinkles around the eyes.

Heavy and Faded eyes

Eyelids might absorb a lot of fat tissue to itself, to look exhausted all the time. Removing the extra fat from the above and under eyelid is possible by blepharoplasty. In this way, the skin will look fresh and young.
How is the procedure
Blepharoplasty, can apply to above and under eyelid or both of them
First hand, the surgeon will specify the areas that their extra skin and fat will be removed, then for upper eyelids, the surgeon cuts along the fold of the eyelid. The surgeon removes some excess skin, muscle and possibly fat. Then the surgeon closes the cut. On the lower lid, the surgeon makes a cut just below the lashes in your eye’s natural crease or inside the lower lid.
The cuts will be done with very precise equipment, and extremely thin sutures, or tissue bands are applied to make the result to look exactly as patient’s expectation.
Relying on the test results and the surgeons examinations before the surgery, he will decide how much of the skin and fat tissue must be removed. The patient’s facial muscle and skin tissue, facial bone structure and eyebrows symmetry will affect it the most.
To enhance the ending result and rejuvenating the surface layers of the skin, the surgeon may decide to use CO2 laser, for tiniest wrinkles around the eye.

Recovery process after the surgery

After the surgery, the surgeon will put local antibiotics, to minimize the inflammation possibility. The whole eye bandage is not necessary.
• On the first day, after waking up 10 to 15 minutes of cold eye compress must be applied every one hour.
• On the second day, 10 to 15 minutes of cold eye compress must be applied every other hour.
• Improving the recovery, after 48 hours warm eye compress must be applied.

Taking pain killers is dependent to your condition according to your surgeon. By OTC pain killers, the normal pain is controlled during the recovery. In rare cases, heavier pain killers must be prescribed.
Mild painfulness is expected right after surgery. Although blepharoplasty is a quick surgery, it’s considered as a surgery anyway. All side effects and restlessness will get healed in a few day time. In case of eye sight loos you must contact your doctor.

In the first week, you might experience mild pain and redness in your eyes, complete recovery may take a few weeks, and during this time applying make up to eyes are forbidden. Using contact lenses, is also allowed only after complete recovery. Wearing and taking eye glasses must done carefully.
Usually, absorbent sutures are used, which will absorb in a week. Otherwise, to take the sutures the patient must visit the doctor.


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