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Some people feel a difference between their biological sex and their gender identity. Biological gender means the gender a person is born with, and gender identity is the same feeling that a person has. This difference can be associated with discomfort, depression and anxiety for people. Although the main cause of sexual disturbance is not ...


  Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive neurological disorder that affects millions of people around the world. The disease is named in the honor of Dr. James Parkinson, who first described the disease in 1817. In this article, we will examine the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment options available for Parkinson’s disease. In ...

Obsessive compulsive disorder

  Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts, fears, and repetitive behaviors that people feel compelled to perform. These thoughts and behaviors can disrupt daily life and cause discomfort and anxiety. OCD manifests itself in different ways for different people, but common symptoms include frequent, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors ...


Treatment of presbyopia with surgical methods on the cornea Presbyopia is defined as: the gradual loss of elasticity of the lens and the reduction of the eye’s ability to adapt. These two factors are inseparable from the natural aging process. Almost all people have presbyopia when they reach the age of 40 or 50, and ...

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most common and destructive types of cancer worldwide. In most cases, this cancer originates from the air tubes in the lungs called bronchi or from the air sacs in the lungs called alveoli. Lung cancer first starts in the lungs itself and then spreads to nearby areas such as ...

What is keratoconus ?

Keratoconus is a disease and a non-inflammatory phenomenon of the eye, in which the eye changes from spherical and thin to a conical state, and the natural shape of the eye is lost, causing reduced vision and astigmatism. This disease starts in youth and puberty and continues until the age of 35, 40 years. The ...

Strengthening the body’s immune system, recommendations and solutions

In today’s world, maintaining a strong immune system is more important than ever. The immune system is a large network of organs, white blood cells, proteins, and chemicals. These systems work together to protect you from foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that cause infection and disease. The immune system works hard ...

Dry eye, from causes to treatment

Dry eye syndrome, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a common eye disease that affects millions of people worldwide and occurs when the eyes are unable to produce enough tears. or when the tears evaporate very quickly. Dry eye may develop in one or both eyes and lead to infection. Dry eye syndrome can occur ...

Understanding and coping with panic disorder

Understanding and coping with panic disorder Living in a fast-paced and busy world can sometimes make us feel overwhelmed and dizzy. However, for some people, these feelings can turn into something much more distressing, leading to panic attacks and affecting daily life. In this article, we will examine panic disorder, its symptoms, potential causes, and ...

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