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Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation

2min Read

Chin augmentation, also known as Mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the chin of the patients who have a small or sunken chin. In this surgery, either the chin bone has been repaired and changed, or silicone prosthesis is inserted into the chin. Chin Augmentation is usually performed at the same time as nasal surgery.

Recovery From Chin Augmentation

Most people who practice chin augmentation surgery will shortly suffer from a disability, and after 7 days they will be able to continue their non-exercise activity and most other activities.

Related Preoperative Evaluations

Prior to surgery, the person will talk with the doctor about his or her expectations, and after making the decision to do surgery, tests will be taken such as a blood test.

Before, During and After Chin Augmentation

Before the Procedure

The surgeon will ask the person to follow some instructions. One of these instructions is the avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and taking aspirin.

During the Procedure

The surgeon makes an incision under the chin, in the chin gap or inside the mouth. The prosthesis then enters the desired area through this incision; this is also done if the chin bone needs to be modified. Then the incision is closed with stitches. This surgery is performed under local anesthesia and lasts for 1-2 hours.

After the Procedure

In the first few days after chin augmentation surgery, it will be difficult to chew the food, so it is recommended that the person take fluids and soft foods for the first few days after surgery. The dressing of the surgical site will be removed 2 to 3 days after the surgery.

Important Notes

Not Recommended For

  • The ones who do not have adequate health
  • The ones who use blood thinners
  • The ones with cardiovascular problems

Possible Complications

  • Infection
  • Damage to the nerves
  • Dissatisfaction with the results

Chin Augmentation is Recommended For

  • Individuals who are not satisfied with their facial features; for example, people whose chins are overgrown or small.
  • Individuals who are seeking nose surgery.

Number of Days in Hospital

Usually, the individual will not be hospitalized.


Price Details

Number of Companions



Number of pending reviews174


What is the durability of chin prosthesis?

A person who had chin augmentation surgery will never have to replace it. Chin prosthesis, unlike breast prostheses, is a solid piece of fluid that does not contain fluids, so most people can use their chin prostheses for a life time.

If I’m not happy with my chin prosthesis, can I remove it?

Most people have full satisfaction with their chin prosthesis and never remove it. But some people come to the conclusion that they did not need for this prosthesis and then decide to remove it. These people can remove their chin prostheses by doing a simple and inexpensive operation.

Can chin prosthesis replace inside the chin?

When the recovery period has ended, the prosthesis will remain in its place. But sometimes in the first weeks after the surgery, and before the chin is completely cured, the prosthesis may replace inside the chin. This is very rare, but in case of occurrence, it is necessary for the person to be re-operated to restore the prosthesis instead of the previous one.

Will others notice that I’ve done chin augmentation?

Chin augmentation surgery is one of the most common surgeries. Some people have beautiful chin from birth, but people who are not happy with their chin can achieve their desired appearance through surgery. It is true that in procedures such as chest prosthesis, the surgery may be so severe that others will notice it, but this is not true about chin augmentation. The results of the chin augmentation are very mild but impressive

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