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A denture is a tool used to replace missing teeth. If all the teeth are lost, all of them can be replaced with false teeth; however, if only a few teeth are missing, you can use a type of denture that only covers part the empty gums. Artificial teeth are either made of metal or made of plastics and are placed on the gum. Sometimes it is necessary to use a viscous material to keep the steady, but well-made teeth will remain on the gum without anything else.

Duration of Treatment

Since the heavy process is not performed here, there is no need for a particular recovery period.

Related Paraclinics regarding Artificial Teeth

Probably, before proceeding the physician will measure the dimensions of the jaw and mouth and teeth of the person in question in order to make teeth that are appropriate to his physical properties.

Before The Treatment

There is no special care for this treatment; it should be noted that the preparation of the denture can last for 3 weeks or more,

The Process of Artificial Teeth Placement

Some measurements are made from the mouth and jaw. These data form the basis of the denture. The primary model of the denture during the next session is tested on the patient and places that are not comfortable enough are adjusted and changed. Then a final template is created from this model. The final model is made in a lab and tested in the next session. This process does not require anesthesia and is performed during several sessions.

After the Placement of Artificial Teeth

It is suggested that after preparing the artificial teeth, the person first consumes small amounts of soft food and then starts eating ordinary foods. A denture may seem a bit strange at first, but the patient will get used to it after a while.

Important Points about Artificial Teeth

The use of denture teeth is not recommended for patients who have recently had their tooth removed. because jaw bone needs time to recover.

Dentures are mostly prescribed for

patients who have lost some of their teeth (to beautify and prevent damage to remaining teeth) and patients who do not have any tooth at all

Duration of Admission

There is no need for hospitalization as there is no need for surgery.


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Can I sleep with my artificial teeth?

Yes, there is no obstacle to sleep with a denture, but it’s better to remove your denture before bedtime; by removing the dentures during your sleep, your gums and bones will get rid of the imposed pressure on them by denture during the day.

How can I take care of my artificial teeth?

Unlike natural teeth, artificial teeth cannot be whitened because they are made of plastic. So, in order to keep your artificial teeth clean, brush it daily and remove pieces of food from it. Do not use ordinary toothpaste to clean your dentures. Toothpaste contains substances that may be beneficial to the natural teeth and strengthen them, but since artificial teeth are made of plastic, ordinary toothpaste may damage them. Use your dishwashing liquid and especial toothbrushes that are available for artificial teeth. If your artificial tooth got damaged, have an appointment with your doctor who has made it and asks him to repair your artificial teeth.

What types of artificial teeth are available in the market?

There are two types of dentures; complete and partial. Complete denture and is placed on the gum especially when all the teeth are missing. The type that fills the gap of some teeth is known as the partial denture. This type of denture is connected to the teeth, therefore, it remains in the patient’s mouth and occupies the empty spaces in the gum.

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