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Hip Replacement

Hip Replacement

2min Read

During hip joint replacement surgery, the hip joint surface is replaced by an implant. Hip replacement can have several benefits, including pain relief, improved joint function, and easier walking. If the patient is going to perform this surgery, it is necessary to talk with the doctor about the type of implant used before proceeding with this process. Thigh implants have progressed greatly in recent years, and it’s best to use the most modern implant models.

Duration of treatment

After performing this surgery, the patient will not be able to walk without a crutch for up to 6 weeks, but after that time he will be able to walk without a crutch.

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Before doing this, it is necessary for the patient to perform various tests including blood tests and X-ray imaging.

Preoperative care, operation process, and postoperative care

Preoperative care:

The patient may be required to take certain antibiotics before performing this operation. It is also necessary that the patient avoids cigarette smoking and drugs such as aspirin well before the time of surgery.

Operation process:

During the procedure, the damaged part of the thigh bone will be replaced by a metal limb. This metal limb can be attached to the desired location or fixed in another way. Then a ball-like piece is attached to this limb and replaces the upper part of the bone; the ball can be made of ceramic, metal or plastic. The cartilaginous part of acetabulum is replaced by an artificial limb. It can also be made of metal, ceramic or plastic. In the end, a piece is inserted between the ball-like limb and hip joint so that the joint can move easily.

This surgery is done under general anesthesia and lasts 1 to 3 hours.

Postoperative care:

The patient should take physiotherapy seriously and perform the prescribed physical activity to prevent the formation of blood clots. It is also suggested that changes be made to the home space to accommodate this new situation for the patient. One of these changes is the placement of objects at the desired height (up to the waist); in this way, the patient does not need to bend in order to lift the objects.

Surgical Tips:

This surgery is not recommended for people with acute obesity.

Possible risks include:

  • Sprain
  • Loosening
  • Infection
  • Sensitivity to metal
  • Chronic pain

Prescribed for

  • Damage to the joint due to joint or bone swelling
  • Joint rheumatism
  • Avascular necrosis
  • Arthritis
  • Joint fracture
  • Bone tumors

Length of hospitalization

The patient will be hospitalized for 3 to 5 days.


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Can I use dumbbells?

Usually you should not use dumbbells for the first two months. However, since the physical strength of each individual is different, consult your physiotherapist before using dumbbells.

I feel that one of my legs is shorter than the other one. What should I do?

This is a common phenomenon. Probably one of your legs has been shorter than your other leg from the beginning due to the cartilage erosion. During surgery, your surgeon has returned the natural height of your pelvis.

When can I get my hip joint into the water (swimming pool, bathtub, sea, etc.)?

Normally, do not swim and use hot water for up to 6 weeks after surgery.

However, if the fluid is not leaking after two weeks, some surgeons will allow patients to do so.

When can I take a shower?

Five days after surgery, of course if the liquid is not leaking out of the cutting area.

How long should I keep my wounds under wound dressing?

Almost a week or until the liquid is not leaking out of the cutting area, A new gauze should be placed on the wound daily.

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