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Sex Reassignment

Sex Reassignment Surgery (Female To Male)

2min Read

Sex reassignment (female to male) is referred to as a range of operations, the purpose of which is to change the female genital system to the male and to change the overall appearance of the person from the female to the male state. Sex reassignment is suitable for people who have suffered from gender disorder, cannot cope with their current gender and thus seek to change their gender. The process of female-to-male sex reassignment can include several types of surgeries, including Phalloplasty, Metoidioplasty and other side surgeries such as breast removal and its reconstruction.

Duration of Sex Reassignment (female to male)

If the occupation does not require heavy physical activity, he will be able to return to his workplace after 4-6 weeks. Sex reassignment recovery period will take from 6 to 8 weeks.

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Before performing sex reassignment surgery, it may be necessary for the patient to perform tests such as blood tests and other relevant tests. These tests will be reported to the patient by the surgeon.

Preoperative Care of Sex Reassignment Surgery (female to male)

It is necessary to follow the doctor’s hormonal program before sex reassignment and the person gets in contact with a psychologist to support him during this surgery.

The Process of Sex Reassignment Surgery (female to male)

Sex reassignment can involve several types of surgeries, but the two common surgeries included in this category are Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty. During Phalloplasty, after the separation of parts of the female reproductive system, transplanted tissues from the hands or abdomen are used to produce a male penis. It should be noted that the Phalloplasty will take place in 2 to 3 stages, and each of these steps should be performed 4 to 6 months apart. Metoidioplasty is less complicated than Phalloplasty, but the penis that can ultimately be achieved through this method is much smaller than the one created by Phalloplasty. When the person follows hormonal treatment, the size of the graft will increase; however, in the Metoidioplasty, the graft will be used to produce a male penis. This anesthetic surgery lasts 8 to 10 hours.

Postoperative Care Regarding Sex Reassignment Surgery (female to male)

There may be several cares for the period of recovery, which the surgeon doctor will accurately mention them to the individual.

Important points about Sex Reassignment Surgery (female to male)

Possible risks may include

  • Infection
  • Bruises
  • Blood clotting
  • Remaining scar
  • Lack of adequate blood supply
  • Necrosis

Sex reassignment surgery is mostly prescribed for females who are willing to have.

Duration of Admission for Sex Reassignment Surgery

A person will be admitted to the hospital for 2 to 5 days; however, this duration can vary and depends on the number of surgeries performed.


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What are the surgical procedures that can be used to change the appearance of feminine to masculine?

Among the surgeries that can be taken to reduce the feminine properties and increase the masculine properties are masculine face surgery, masculine breast surgery, and masculine body surgery.

Are the results of sex reassignment surgery permanent?

The answer to this question depends on the surgery. Some of the surgeries are permanent and some of the other works will be temporary. But in general, it can be said that most of these surgeries will have lifelong effects. It should be noted that some of these surgeries can be reversed (they can be neutralized in case of regret), but people rarely do this.

Does sex reassignment surgery have any risk?

This surgery, like any other operation, is not risk-free, but by following the precautionary guidelines, it is possible to minimize the probability of occurrence. Prior to surgery, tests will be carried out to assess the likelihood of occurrence of the problem. In general, the risks arising from this operation are very low.

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