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Sex Reassignment

Sex Reassignment Surgery (Male To Female)

2min Read

Sex reassignment (male to a female) is referred to as a range of operations, the purpose of which is to change the male system to the female genital and to change the overall appearance of the person from the male to the female. Sex reassignment is suitable for people who have suffered from gender disorder, cannot cope with their current gender and thus seek to change their gender. Before surgery, one should be treated hormonally for 1 year. In the sex reassignment male-female, the penis is removed, the tissues are re-formed, and transplanted skin is used to produce a female genital. Other actions that can be part of this process include breast prosthesis, buttock augmentation, and feminine facial surgery.

Duration of Sex Reassignment (male to a female)

Once discharged from the hospital, the person will be carefully monitored for 7 to 10 days. Also, up to 6 weeks after the surgery, the person should avoid working and doing heavy physical activity.

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Before performing sex reassignment, it may be necessary for the patient to perform tests such as blood tests and other relevant tests. These tests will be reported to the patient by the surgeon.

Preoperative Care of Sex Reassignment Surgery (male to a female)

Before sex reassignment, one needs to follow the hormonal instructions given by the physician. It is also necessary to stop taking medicines and smoking a few weeks before doing sex reassignment.

The Process of Sex Reassignment Surgery (male to a female)

Sex reassignment (male to a female) can be done in 3 ways.

  • For people with a large penis, the tissues and skin of the penis are separated and used to create a female genital.
  • For people with a modest penis, part of the previous process will be performed, but the female genital will be created using transplanted skin.
  • For people with a small penis, part of the process will be done, but the female genital will be created using transplanted skin of the intestinal tissue.

Sex reassignment surgery (male to a female) is carried out under anesthesia and lasts 2 to 3 hours.

Postoperative Care Regarding Sex Reassignment Surgery (male to a female)

After sex reassignment (male to a female), special instructions are given to the person who needs to follow them up to have a fast recovery period.

  Important points about Sex Reassignment Surgery (male to a female)

This surgery is not recommended for people with AIDS or hepatitis C virus.

Possible Risks May Include

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Dissatisfaction with the results

Sex reassignment surgery is mostly prescribed for males who are willing to have sex reassignment.

Duration of Admission for Sex Reassignment (male to a female)

A person will be admitted to the hospital for 5 to 6 days; however, this duration can vary and depends on the number of surgeries performed.


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Should I have a specific weight to do this surgery?

Having a particular weight is not a prerequisite for this surgery, but it is suggested to be close to your ideal weight and have BMI less than 27. You can calculate your BMI through various websites.

After how long will the scar of the surgery will disappear?

The scars will never disappear; they are permanent. The stages of wound healing may take one year. These wounds may have a pink or reddish appearance in the first few months after surgery, and maybe swollen, but after six months to one year, they usually become smooth and soft. 8 to 12 months after the surgery, these wounds will be hardly visible.

Can I have orgasms?

Most people who carry out this surgery will be able to experience orgasms. Some people may experience orgasms after several months, and others will experience this feeling after one year and a half.

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