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Dental veneer

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A dental veneer is an ultra-thin shell of tooth proclaim or composite that is cemented to the tooth to improve smile appearance or correct dental issues such as tooth enamel and uneven tooth spacing or alignment. There are different types of veneer: The first type is direct composite veneer which is attached to the tooth and the second type is indirect composite or proclaim. Veneers are professionally made in a lab and are used to cement to the tooth. In order to prevent widening of the tooth diameter, the tooth is carved and made thinner. This is a permanent irretrievable process.

Duration of Treatment

Since dental veneer is an easy light procedure, there is no need for particular healing period.

Related Para Clinics

Before using dental veneer, the patient discusses his or her expectation and objectives. There might be a need for dental photography or dental molding before the procedure.

Precautions before, during and after the Procedure

Before the Surgery

There is no need for particular precaution before the surgery. However, this should be discussed ahead of the surgery

Surgical procedure

After the required dental molding is prepared to fabricate the veneer, the doctor will apply the final shaded composite to your teeth. The dental veneer procedure may include local anesthesia and lasts from one session to two sessions depending on the type of veneer used.

After the Procedure

You are required to avoid eating and chewing hard objects. You can brush and floss your tooth as you normally do and make sure to use a non-abrasive toothpaste.

Important Tips about the Procedure

The possible risks of this process include:

  • possible fracture
  • Vernier separation
  • Damage to the nerves (if a large portion of teeth is carved)

The dental veneer is prescribed for the following people with:

  • Fractured tooth
  • Dental decay
  • Worn enamel
  • Uneven teeth
  • Discolored tooth

Duration of Confinement

There is no need for confinement.


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How can I be sure that my veneer will have the same color as other teeth?

The dentist will find a solution to this problem. In normal case, the teeth are whitened after cementing the veneer.

How can I take care of the veneer?

Brush and floss your teeth two or three times a day. Avoid eating hard objects such as nut shells or bones.

How long does the veneer last?

The dental veneer lasts from 5 to 10 years. It is recommended to see your dentist for regular examination and dental cleaning.

What is the weakness of dental veneer?

You have to completely change the veneer if it is fractured or broken. You should abandon the habit of eating or chewing your nail or pencil tip. The procedure is also not suitable for people with unhealthy gums or those who are used to put pressure on their teeth. Regular dental cleaning is important for maintaining the health of your mouth and the longevity of the veneer.

what is the advantage of dental veneer?

If you use dental veneer, a large portion of your tooth remains intact and only a small portion of the tooth is being carved. The dental veneer will give you a more beautiful smile and look. The veneer is offered in different colors and never loses its color at all.

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